Wild and wicked day here, as usual. Won't try to be clever, make you laugh, because selfishly, I'm tired too. But you guys, my family, are a rare lifeline in this world.
I'm both horrified, and absolutely in awe, of what is happening to the Japanese nation. Sometime later, I'll say more about my thoughts on that, but not tonight.
We have quite a few people, not all on this thread, who truly need our concern, thoughts, prayers, however we deal with it. As for me, I'm praying. I feel this is WAY to far out of the reach of man now, we have to reach out. All our problems are important, like I told Swan yesterday. But I believe in you people here. You don't have to DO anything, but think, remember, light a candle, pray, because they need it all.
I guess, as RC said, I'm in a reflective mood tonight. Deal with your problems, and not by worrying. Face tomorrow, because it's a new day. And give a thought whenever you can to those in the middle of so much suffering tonight. It puts a new face on suffering, humility, gratitude, doesn't it?
Last preachy post, I promise. (at least for tonight!) You are some of the most caring people in the world, and you will do the right thing.