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Favourite Kanga Moments

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    Favourite Kanga Moments

    I have a heap of them but the thing that sticks in my mind and still makes me smile is when this site changed format and he couldn't get on as Tiemekangaroodownsport and got into a bit of a tizz and that's when he changed his name to The Kanga. He was so graphic in his words that I could almost see him getting all worked up about trying to log on. And, then only to discover that his little icon had gone! :H

    He was so grateful when normality was resumed!

    :k :upset:

    Favourite Kanga Moments

    Annie, funny you post that memory because I was just reading it today and it made me laugh out loud because he seemed so laid back about everything usually, but not that. He was peeved about his little icon not being there and you could totally picture him in a frenzy trying to find it. Anyone else? I did not know him as well as some here but we had our laughs. He will be so missed.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Favourite Kanga Moments

      My favorite was when he got a little serious and said he was enjoying being here instead of out drinking on the weekend.

      He let his guard down for just a second and you could just see his heart..........the one that is still beating and will forever!
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Favourite Kanga Moments

        Actually, if you look close enough.... those crumbs look like a roo about to hop......

        Posted by The Kanga in "Once Upon a Time"

        I thougt it was sooooooo funny that he saw himself in those crumbs!:H Attached files [img]/converted_files/156105=45-attachment.jpg[/img]
        :h :h :h :h


          Favourite Kanga Moments

          tawnyfrog Posts:


          Ex-csu-se-me - Helen!!!!

          The Kanga never needs a bump. The Kanga is above that sort of thing.

          The Kanga is ... well ... I'm just speechless ... the Kanga is ........ sorrry, can't talk right now ... Kanga, Kanga, ooooh, Kanga is absolutely arrrrummmmmmmeeeaue-ey! Urrmmmpffffff

          Run that through your spellchecker!

          Signed by his favourite sheila. (adding a winky happy smiley thing)

          Excerpt from previous post (A Poem) - This speaks for itself.


            Favourite Kanga Moments

            Bumpity Bump Bump Bump

            - not that he needs it!


              Favourite Kanga Moments

              Ah - such FUN - Thanks Annie!

              Remember Kanga's poem on that thread?

              Reply A Bloody Masterpiece!
              There was a great bloke called The Kanga
              Who knew no ills or anger
              He jollied along,
              With a laugh and a song,
              and his ball ended up on a sanga.

              A frog came hopping by one day,
              with a ho and a ho and a hey hey hey,
              she got very silly
              then fell off her lily
              and didn't say rivet till May.
              This frog was brown, no, some may say Tawny
              But to her tads she was very bonny,
              She leaped in play and said yea! yea!
              I'm gonna get me a marsupial today!

              There was a young lady called Helen
              She thought she was pretty good at spellin'
              She dotted her i's, and crossed her t's
              and always remembered to say thanks and please,
              then along came a Kanga all laid out flat
              and Helen said, "I'll have some of that",
              She pushed up her sleeves and set to work,
              A limb was severed and Helen did not irk,
              she carried on the mission with a click and a clacker
              and wasn't happy till she got Kanga's knacker.
              Now Helen's not greedy, she's a generous soul,
              she left The Kanga with a smile and one ball.

              Oh - the tears of laughter on that thread.
              And now they are so bittersweet - but, dollars to donuts, we wouldn't have missed it for the world....


                Favourite Kanga Moments

                And then Kate came in with..........

                Re: A Bloody Masterpiece!
                ?and away in the shadows, quietly seething,
                is a ravenous beast, just ready for feeding.
                She?s watched and she?s waited, biding her time,
                for she hungers for Kanga, with black pepper and lime.

                The Helen is strong and the Frog of fine stock,
                but the beast is a legend, as hard as a rock.
                She?s readied herself, for a fight to the death,
                and she?ll get her some Kanga, if it takes her last breath.

                She swats and she swings, she lunges and lashes,
                she chomps and she chews, with a fine set of gnashers.
                The Frog and the Helen feel the wrath of the Beast,
                And succumb to her wish for a great Kanga feast.

                But the Beast gets a shock, when her eyes take in all,
                for what?s left of the Kanga, is a smile and a ball.
                Not enough for a feast, or even a light dinner,
                but she has an idea, the Beast is a winner.

                With said pepper and lime, and a bunch of fresh parsley,
                and adding the ball, a stew will do nicely.
                What to do with the smile, she ponders and muses,
                and stretches her mind, for possible uses.

                But the Beast is too hungry, too famished from fight,
                and the stewed ball bubbling is a heavenly sight.
                So she sips of the broth, and cries out ?Oh Bravo,
                you can stick yer grin Kanga, start talkin? soprano.?


                  Favourite Kanga Moments

                  Imagine----thank you for that cookie kangaroo ....I remember reading that and laughing so hard. And I thought know what?? It Does indeed look like a kangaroo. I was quite impressed with his quick response time!

                  Thanks- Lisa

