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Army Thread 3rd March

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    Army Thread 3rd March

    Hiya, Cassia

    Car problems sorted?
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread 3rd March

      Cassia;1069453 wrote: I want crisps! I am so hungry now...xSorry Cassia - I didn't see you there. I've been :sofa: in Photobucket looking for a new avatar. JackieClaire;1069458 wrote: Yo Cassia,
      Muchos apologies for not answering your question yesterday. It was a chicken curry we had.

      No choccy for the daughter as she didn't want to ruin her appetite for dinner. She should be the size of a hippo the amount she eats but still swans about at a size 8.
      Jackie, it drives me crazy when people eat a lot and are still thin. Younger son says that when he and his girlfriend go on vacation, he always books a room that has breakfast included because she eats so much for breakfast that it would cost more than the room rate to feed her. And she's slim and gorgeous. I still love her in spite of that tho'...
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Army Thread 3rd March

        I think it's nervous energy when she does exams she eats and eats and eats and eats and eats.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread 3rd March

          I've got ham sandwiches with English mustard on the brain now and no ham or bread in the house. :upset: Might have to go out again later and shop. It's so cold out.

          Hi Cassia and Jackie. :hiya:


            Army Thread 3rd March

            JackieClaire;1069464 wrote: I think it's nervous energy when she does exams she eats and eats and eats and eats and eats.
            My one Grandmother was tall and slim, ate like a horse and never gained an ounce. Never mind that she died at the ripe old age of 94 and still had less grey hair than I did at 40. Her secret was that she rarely sat down. She would cook this huge meal for the family and I mean huge and we'd all be sitting down stuffing ourselves and she'd still be running around. Mind you she'd eat two whole plates of food during dinner but her bum never touched her chair. When I think back on what she could cook up in the space of two hours, it makes my dizzy. At least two home-baked pies still warm from the oven, six kinds of veggies plus a couple of veggie jello salads, two kinds of meat and home-made biscuits. And that was just for a plain Sunday dinner. Christmas dinner and trimmings was like going to a buffet dinner at a hotel. And she did it all herself with very little help from either her daughters or granddaughters. Men were strictly forbidden in her kitchen. Not even for a glass of water. "Keep yer grimy hands and dirty boots out of here". Need I say her side of the family was half Irish and half Scottish. Funny enough, she had a Greek first name, Euphemia....
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Army Thread 3rd March

              Actually that sounds just like my Nana. She had 6 girls, 2 boys and just didn't have time for them to help. I'll bet your Grandmother only slept 3/4 hours a night. She just never stopped.

              She made my first wedding dress when she was 81.

              Ham and pease pudding Reccy, ham and pease pudding mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread 3rd March

                JackieClaire;1069464 wrote: I think it's nervous energy when she does exams she eats and eats and eats and eats and eats.
                What're the exams JC?


                  Army Thread 3rd March

                  Recluse;1069467 wrote: I've got ham sandwiches with English mustard on the brain now and no ham or bread in the house. :upset: Might have to go out again later and shop. It's so cold out.

                  Hi Cassia and Jackie. :hiya:
                  I'm here too and now I hope you have ham sandwiches with English mustard on yer brain all night long and that you can't go out because it's too cold. So there. :stomper:
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Army Thread 3rd March

                    Recluse;1069474 wrote: What're the exams JC?
                    I noticed it when she did her GCSEs, then her A levels. By the time she got to her degree she must have had every known take away on speed dial.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread 3rd March

                      stirly-girly;1069476 wrote: I'm here too and now I hope you have ham sandwiches with English mustard on yer brain all night long and that you can't go out because it's too cold. So there. :stomper:
                      Sorry stirly - didn't mean to make you feel left out - I omitted you and tips from the hellos 'cos I thought we'd already done that not long ago.

                      Hello stirly and tips :hiya:


                        Army Thread 3rd March

                        JackieClaire;1069473 wrote: Ham and pease pudding Reccy, ham and pease pudding mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
                        If that was an attempt to torture me JC, it worked... :upset:


                          Army Thread 3rd March

                          JackieClaire;1069473 wrote: Actually that sounds just like my Nana. She had 6 girls, 2 boys and just didn't have time for them to help. I'll bet your Grandmother only slept 3/4 hours a night. She just never stopped.

                          She made my first wedding dress when she was 81.

                          Ham and pease pudding Reccy, ham and pease pudding mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
                          Five kids, one died at a young age. Grew up on a farm. A genius at managing the family budget. Member of at least three charity groups in her city as well as a member of the board of administrators for the hospital and an elected member of the city council. They asked her to be vice-mayor but she turned it down because she wouldn't have had enough time for her Red Cross work. At the tender age of 85, she was still trading in her "used" car every three years for a brand new model. Needless to say my sweet Grandfather didn't have much of a voice at home. He was a jolly but quiet man - 6'4" and about 325 pounds but she was like a steam roller. Not in the bad sense of the word. She just had so much energy. Oh, and she was a fashion icon among her friends. Both in what she wore and the furniture she decorated her house with. All round, an amazing woman.

                          Your Nana sounds wonderful. Making a wedding dress at 81 is not a small feat, Jackie. We had a neighbour whom we called Granny Brooks. She was a seamstress and was still sewing dresses and such way into her 80's. I think that generation of women were really something else. We look like pale, wilted flowers (or weeds) in comparison...

                          What the heck is pease pudding? I've heard of it before but I'm too lazy to goggle it...
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Army Thread 3rd March

                            Evnin Army! Been runnin round like a bluearsed fly! Trying to clean the house before I go - AM I MAD!! 2 mucky boys minding it!! Hope the leak is ok Stirly - we had one bout 2 weeks ago, a bedroom destroyed and came down into my new kitchen - frigging plasterer/jack of all trades dropped in a quote for the insurance, reckon it'll cost us twice what he's quoted us. Anyway, am goin to forget about it till Monday. Just read back about your Mum too - I'm so glad she is such a strong lady!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Army Thread 3rd March

                              They must have been related. The only thing she didn't do was drive.

                              Here ya go Stirls.

                              Pease pudding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Yooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo Molls.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread 3rd March

                                Recluse;1069480 wrote: Sorry stirly - didn't mean to make you feel left out - I omitted you and tips from the hellos 'cos I thought we'd already done that not long ago.

                                Hello stirly and tips :hiya:
                                I'm really very insecure and you have to greet me every time you see me or I break down into...

                                Just kidding. I've been back and forth between my kitchen and the computer, MWO and Photobucket and can't remember when I last said :hello: and to whom. And now the dog is begging to be walked and I still haven't finished getting lunch ready to send to younger son for tomorrow. Dawg, I'm just such a busy, busy bee...
                                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

