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What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

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    What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

    By this I mean, what is your list of things that you wore on the outside which motivated you to change and give up AL...the physical things like blood shot eyes and bloat. The things on the physical surface of our bodies that were signs of heavy drinking. I felt like I wore my addiction on my sleeve like a Girl Scout badge, minus the pride. That, even though I was a high-functioning alcoholic, people would know I was a heavy drinker, just by the looking at my face.

    Here's my list of attributes and how I've seen them improving after being off AL for almost 2 months:

    Starting with...BLOODSHOT eyes...every day. The cliche, "eyes are the windows to the soul" is true, because what was going on inside my red, burning eyes was addiction and pain. I wake up now with clear eyes and I don't go through a bottle of Visine a week, using it as a crutch to clear up the ugly red threads in my eyes every morning. After a while, you get immune to Visine and it doesn't do squat anymore, just rolls down your face like tears. I haven't used eye drops since the day I vowed to never drink again because I wake up with refreshed, clear eyes.

    Puffy face, due to the state of chronic dehydration I was always in. Now the water I drink goes to hydrating my cells, not wasted on getting AL poison out of my body. My face is back to "normal"...not swollen and puffy.

    Dark circles under my eyes from the poor-quality, interrupted sleep I had after a night of heavy drinking (ie: every night). Heavy concealer was just as much a part of my morning routine as Visine and black coffee. Now I'm just down to the black And no circles under the eyes, because now I get a full nights rest without the 3AM wake up call from overdoing it on AL the night before.

    Lack of glow-I'm talking about dull skin, zapped from the vitamins that AL took from my body. Now I retain the nutrients in my food and my daily multi-vitamin so it can be used for good things in my body, not squandered on getting AL out of me.

    Dry, brittle hair, another attribute of poor hydration since my kidneys were robbing every drop of water on excreting the AL, there wasn't anything left to hydrate the other parts of me that need water to thrive (hair, skin, nails, lips...well, everything, really!). With the help of some kick ass hair products and giving up AL, my hair has its sheen back. It's growing in stronger and thicker.

    Bloated belly-no matter how many sit ups I did the morning after, my belly was always bloated due to excessive wine drinking. I had the "beer belly" of the wine drinking club. I hated that...what was the point of doing sit ups if you are destined to bloat yourself with booze? Now I've got a much flatter (and flattering!) stomach. It's getting better with time and I know that when I go to the effort of doing ab exercises, they will actually DO something!

    Broken blood vessels-the ones that appear on my face. If hardcore alcoholics were teenagers, these would be the pimples that pop up out overnight out of nowhere! I noticed them creeping in around my nose and checks. They have subsided now that I've stopped drinking, thank goodness. It's amazing how are bodies bounce back quickly after we stop killing ourselves with drink.

    I'd be curious to hear what others, both newbies and senior members alike, have to say about what physical motivators you had and how they have improved without AL.
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.


    What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

    Great post - and you hit every one of my physical symptoms as well. I realized that I was starting to look like my sister when she drank alot, and that really scared me (she is sober now but lots of damage done). I have heard comments the past months that I look healthy and young which is amazing to me. Not drinking not only helped me mentally but physically. The effect that it has on the outside is crazy - imagine what the inside was looking like at my peak drinking! I shudder to think!
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

      To be completely honest, i had none of those. No one could tell, i had no phsyical symptoms.


        What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

        Bloated belly!!!
        While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
        Benjamin Franklin


          What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

          I was starting to get the blood vessels in my face. I am very light skined to they were easy to notice. there gone now!
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

            Thankfully I didn't have too many physical traits like bloating etc. In spite of the fact that I drank more than I should for many years, I actually don't look too bad. In fact, in my early fifties, I get a lot of compliments about my looks and figure. I put that down to genetics, and the fact that I have a long line of hard drinking, good looking predecessors. Lucky me. Oh, and the constant bargaining I did with myself.

            I am not being flippant, we are all different in how we manage our intake and I have to admit to being a bit of a cheat. I would promise myself that if I drank a bottle of wine one night, I would run harder, work harder, eat healthier the next day. Take my vitamins, do my damndest to prove to myself I was living a healthy life, when all the time I knew inside my head I was killing myself slowly.

            But vanity has played a part: I have always been the pretty one, and waking up every day with those dark circles is not an appetising thought.

            I think this is a great thread, a total wake up call.


              What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

              Falling on my ass & needing help to get up even though I wasn't actually drunk!
              I had a bad reaction to a mixture of wine & ADs - so I quit both
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

                Sounds like some of us have the same issues...Jennyneric-I too, am fair-skinned (being of Scottish descent and all), and I was getting those blood vessels on my face. They have gone away, luckily. I was always scared I would end up later in life looking like one of those really "hard" drinkers with Gin Blossoms on her face. I'm not doomed for that now that I am sober!

                Vintage Girl-I also come from a line of hard drinkers who still looked pretty darn good after years of AL. My mother being one...she is in her early 70's and has drank wine heavily for decades. She could pass for in her late 50's, really, and it amazes me. She does use Oil of Olay And stays out of the sun. I have also always been the pretty one, an ex-model in my 20's in fact. Now, in my late 30's, folks are shocked when I tell them my age; they thought I was only in my late 20's. (I love those people, by the I used to joke that wine drinking kept me young...that it was my daily dose of anti-oxidants. That statement could have held true if I were only drinking a glass or 2. But no, I had to drink the whole damn bottle, which actually washed away those beneficial antioxidants and then some! I am lucky the AL didn't take more of a toll on my physically than it did, and now I can assure myself of being the best looking I can be (and feel!) possibly have later in life! I am quite critical of myself, and even though I looked younger for my age at my worst stages of AL addiction, I couldn't look in the mirror without the harsh reality of AL staring back at my face, manifasting itself in all those ugly ways I mentioned when I started this thread. And for those who didn't see any physical affects from heavy drinking, it's was just a matter of time, AL would have taken it toll eventually. Consider yourself lucky in that case. I'm so grateful I made it through the "eventually" to now!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

                  shaky hands that were getting more and more frequent....lots and lots of broken caps in my face - thanks - I hope they go away soon! I'm another one who probably doesn't look her age...I think I was starting to though!!!

                  I didn't know I was bloated...but after 20 days YEA!!! The bloat in my face has gone down and I just seem to be carrying myself's hard to explain. I haven't lost weight and sometimes my belly seems bloated but I think it's because I'm drinking so much damn water...I'm up to pee a couple times a night - lol. Every time I think about AL, I get myself another glass of water w/ lemon, or another can of selzer. :-)

                  I'm afraid I still don't look my best, as I haven't figured out the sleeping thing yet. It seems like most nights, there is a point where I physically CAN'T stay still. I would PAY for a few decent nights' sleep in a row...

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

                    I felt my soul being destroyed with every poisonous sip. I could manage to look great on the outside, and did for the most part when I was in public. It was all part of keeping up the facade and my secret a secret from the outside world, but nothing I did to my outside to cover up my drinking could take away the fear of knowing that I was dying a very slow and paintful death in every possible way.

                    This is me too........Sheri said it perfectly, as usual.
                    The outside isn't so bad yet, but the inside is a wreck....
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

                      couldnt quite bring myself to reply to this one. Sorry. Some day.
                      I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                      There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                        What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

                        Sheri, Mama, that's exactly what brought me here. I know I can get away with looking good, or even damned great some days depending on the amount of AL I had drunk the night before, but the thought of suddenly getting up one morning and having yellow eyes (see Ronker's post) or my face all breaking out in red veins, or my stomach bloating as though I was eight months pregnant, all of that, I knew there was the possibility.

                        And if that's what it can do to you on the outside, what the hell is going on inside, as these are your body's ways of alerting you to a problem! I can understand why Blonde posted this, every little sign on the outside is the body's way of telling us there's something very wrong on the inside.

                        I want to be okay looking, but I don't want to be have the 'good looking, hardened drinker tag' that my predecessors had. Maybe, just maybe, when you got real close, they weren't that good looking after all!


                          What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

                          I agree with you VG - nobody sees those broken blood vessels but me - and probably because my almost 47 yr old eyes need the magnifying mirror to put makeup on - LOL. There is not one soul in this world who would have suspected. so, I'm not saying that no one should worry until they see yellow eyes in the mirror, or their hands shake alot, or they "look" like they have a drinking problem, but if the physical things that crept up on me so slowly that I didn't really notice them until they are now going away - can add fuel to this fire that is keeping me AF, then I "am" going to focus on them. It's all part of the package. If I don't see the slightly puffy face in the mirror that I've seen for the past couple of years (I attributed it to some small weight gain), it makes me feel even better about what I'm doing and is a reaffirmation that big changes are taking place both inside and out.

                          On day 20, I haven't lost any weight, but there is a noticeable difference to me, when I look in the mirror. Even though I'm severely sleep deprived - LOL.

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

                            Going to get better

                            This is a terrific thread. When I first got sober @ 22 years ago I really cared about what I looked like. Now that I am 56 I don't care so much. I started drinking again three years ago ( a bottle of wine every night). Stupid stupid me. Even though I had 19 years of HAPPY sobriety I decided I wanted to try moderate drinking. Well I don't wake up with hangovers and I don't look different, except the normal aging I guess. BUT I will say that my energy and zest for life is diminished. I don't care very much about anything and so I think I am a bit depressed. I know it's the effect of AL , and I have to ask myself if three hours of wine buzz every night is worth this colorless lack luster life. I am scared to start agai:new:n, I am afraid it won't work because I had so many sober years.

                            I am thankful I have found this site. Everyone seems so supportive!
                            have a wonderful evening.


                              What Physically Motivated You to Give Up AL?

                              Sheri, WOW, is all I can say. Your posts hit the nail on the thread so to speak. Very well stated, I share your experience!

                              And Meme...welcome! You could have taken the words out of my mouth "energy and zest for life diminished". The first thing I noticed the week I became sober is that I began to get this "zest" for life back. Like I had been sleeping for years and woke up and found out that life really is GOOD, without using AL as a crutch. In a way, I am grateful for having traveled the road of an made me appreciate how great life is without being under the black cloud and trapped by drinking. If I didn't come this far, I may have taken feeling good for granted!
                              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                              BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

