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    Thanks. They say adults are just younger people with more layers on. I would have killed for someone to sit me down and explain to me how addiction really worked when I was in my 20s. Would I have listened though??? Thats the million dollar question. Wooger seems to have more self awareness in his little finger than I had in my whole body at that age. I wish him/her? well.
    I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

    There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.



      coalfire;1071695 wrote: Thanks. They say adults are just younger people with more layers on. I would have killed for someone to sit me down and explain to me how addiction really worked when I was in my 20s. Would I have listened though??? Thats the million dollar question. Wooger seems to have more self awareness in his little finger than I had in my whole body at that age. I wish him/her? well.
      :wd: I agree...

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011



        Woog, judging from your posts you are not in the US, so I realize your healthcare is different from mine, but at your age I was intimidated by docs too. But if something is important to you, you deserve to get the anwers you need. I was reluctant to talk to our GP, because Hubs and I both use him, and he can be dismissive sometimes. But once we really talked, he was remarkably compassionate and helpful. Many here have said once they come clean about their concerns and problems, the doctors are very helpful. I DO believe they'd rather help someone solve their problems while they can be fixed, not when they're beyond help.
        I'm sorry about your Mom. My father drank, heavily, when I was young, and it hurt terribly. He said, after he quit, he didn't wish that life on anyone and it was his biggest regret. Keep encouraging her, not criticizing. Only she can make the ultimate decision.
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



          wooger;1070893 wrote: I'm not sure if I can stand much longer being generally miserable all the time, I've been this way for quite a while I think I also find it VERY difficult to talk to other people, as most of my interaction with people was done drunk, so now I'm even more shy than I was before, and I feel like I'm carrying this big bag of problems around with me and I have no one to talk to about them, apart from on here I guess.
          I'm right there with you...I remember vaguely when I was 16 that I was bouncy and outgoing. Started drinking at 17 and I'm 28 now. In stead of being numb enough with al about my self conciousness I find I just stand there forcing a smile when someone is interacting with me and I can't come up with a response to save my life... it doesn't help that all my mind is focused on is the beer in someones hand. I hope this passes but find comfort in knowing you're not alone. I KNOW it's gotta pass, once my brain is re-wired to focus on the conversation and not the "social" drinking mentality going on all around me. I feel bored and frustrated watching people get hammered, knowing they might have a hangover but that's it, unlike me with the exploding heart and wicked shakes that are so life threatening. I hope that some day soon I'll be able to afford the Baclofen everyone raves about so I can reclaim my thoughts, but until then I just focus on the slowly increasing moments of happiness no matter how fleeting and think they will get longer and more often the longer I can be af (I'm still day to day, hour to hour but building).
          I'm sure you'll find, as have I this site is truely a godsend for those of us who are currently socially impaired, or shy, or feeling more alone than we should and (if you're like me) can't stand the thought of AA.
          I'm truly greatful for everyone here and LOVE this place

          PM me anytime and stick close to MWO (Home to me).

          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          I'm lost, I've gone to look for myself, so if I get back before I return, Please ask me to wait.



            Coalfire!! :thanks: I can't believe how awesome you are! I appreciate the suggestions about my mum and all... but I don't think she would go for any of that. She doesn't even believe that she has a problem with alcohol, she thinks 'well I'm just having some cider at night'. I guess maybe this is because, like you say, if she admits its bad she might have to stop.

            Maybe she will change her mind if I get better, but this is a lady with a serious heart problem, as well as high blood pressure & quite obese etc and yet will not stop eating fast food and covering everything she does it (mainly cakes, french fries, pies etc) with salt. I think my dad has given up on her ever changing... but like Kundalini Girl said, people have to want to change, you can't force them. I don't really have a relationship with her anyways, we don't get on so I know for a fact she would not appreciate me mentioning drinking to her at all.

            My Dr said I should just keep taking the stuff he's given me, he said it's too early to abandon it... I'm just doing as he says. He is a really nice guy, he even book an appointment for a months time to see how I'm guetting on. I was surprised he suggested it as I know they must be really busy and I have seen him alot recently (for detox and for a follow up about anxiety/depression/not sleeping) I'm surprised he puts up with me, especially since I'm constantly worried about my health, even when I went I made him make sure my heart rhythm was normal, he prolly dreads seeing me :P but I am very grateful to him! I've also been exercising pretty regularly and eating really heathily which I guess is working to some extant so thats good. I will look in health food shops etc for some supplements maybe!

            and I love travelling, I've been twice so far and I loved it, can't wait to go again. I really need to find some way of generating some money, then I will be off!! but yes, thank you for your post, I really appreciate it!

            and tammy I am exactly the same!! I'm gunna pm you if thats still okay.

            anyways, thanks everyone :thanks:

