Well, today is going to be a big day for me. I've been sweating over this decision for a number of days now. I've been offered a different job (same company, though), which will mean a lot of changes, like having to travel more and working in an area I'm not familiar with or an expert in.
The appointment is subject to the normal HR processes and such, so anything can happen before it is finalised. I am also only accepting on condition that my salary is suitably adjusted. I'll have to see what they come to the table with.
Whatever the final outcome is, I do know one thing: I would never have been able to even think straight about it if I hadn't been sober. My desperate need for the next drink would have overridden any other considerations.
So here's to the next stage in grabbing life by the balls and getting on with it
Have a good Monday and a productive week, whatever you'll be doing.