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People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

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    People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

    when he offered advice to Lindsey Lohan (I think?) -- he said it's all about "IMPULSE CONTROL" --- and he is dead on right!!

    They laughed at him, thinking that if he has problem, how can he Possibly help anyone else? but that's EXACTLY who knows what works & doesn't work.

    Thus, "My Way Out"! People who have experienced what you have and succeeded are the best to lead the way.

    (Sadly, I'm not one to lead right now. I'm still in the Analyzing stage! OK - that does sound like a bit of Justification... )

    People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

    Exactly. Here is an article which sums it up very well.

    Charlie Sheen coverage by US media is disgraceful--- treating as a circus the tragedy of a person falling apart

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    The U.S. media has been disgraceful in its treatment of Charlie Sheen.

    The fact is that this is a man in deep psychiatric distress who needs help not a nation gawking at him as some kind of freak show.

    It is clear from his television interviews that he is being goaded on by the media looking for the latest manic sound bite.

    In fact the Irish American actor is in deep pain and desperately in need of help. He is a richly talented man who has profoundly lost his way.

    It reminds me of the circus around Michael Jackson, but the laughing stopped when he essentially killed himself with an overdose with some help from others.

    There are those who love the freak show and a million people have signed up for his latest manic twitter messages in just over a day.

    Like vultures to a carcass the media and public gather round

    But what about his little twins who were removed from his custody yesterday? That is a profound tragedy

    What about his father Martin, a true humanitarian in so many ways who is now witnessing his son self-destruct?

    Charlie Sheen is actually going through hell as any person addicted to a substance eventually does.

    The media is aiding and abetting his path towards a catastrophic breakdown which could end up in suicide like Jackson, Monroe and so many others.

    The media needs to back off, his family needs to intervene, he needs to be safe in a psychiatric facility until someone can figure out what really ails him.

    That is the sad reality of Charlie Sheen, not the freak show the media is putting on now.

    His family, his kids, Sheen himself, deserves better.
    I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

    There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


      People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

      Charlie Sheen totally knows what's going on and what he is doing...and he is using the media to help him, too. So, he is not a victim here - he created the whole thing.
      It's always YOUR choice!


        People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

        I am appalled at the media on this coverage. You can make anyone sound like a lunatic if you use sound bites to make a presentation. I can't imagine how I would feel if one of my own episodes ended me up on international television with all sorts of strangers appearing out of nowhere diagnosing me as "manic", "bipolar", a meltdown, and so on. While I do think he needs to have some time to sort it out and hopefully work with someone who can help him get a handle on this, I am rooting for Charlie on this fiasco!
        And indeed, who is he playing in real life......the character from Two and a Half Men, which I happen to think is very funny. Chuck Lorre is embarrassed indeed. He is known as one of the real bastards in Hollywood where he is mean and rude to everyone. He created the character on Two and a Half Men. I guess it wasn't so embarrassing when he was writing that character into being and making multi-millions by portraying his drinking and womanizing ways. What hypocrisy!


          People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

          What I find most appalling about the media coverage of Charlie Sheen is that he seems to get a free pass when it comes to violence against women.
          While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
          Benjamin Franklin


            People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

            Posted by Mavaureen on Mar 07, 2011, 07:04 PM EST

            Dear Hearts and Gentle People...Please reserve your criticisms and judgments of Charlie Sheen until all the evidence is in. I think that all is not as it seems. If you have never witnessed a loved one have a bipolar episode, then you are blessed. There is no "drug high" that can compare to a manic high. They are invincible, nothing can hurt them, sleep is unnecessary and they are seeing everything more clearly than everyone else. This is their mindset. You ask where are his parents and why don't they do something; the simple truth is that they can do nothing legally. Put him in rehab? With out Charlie's signature that can't be done. Should he physically hurt someone or himself then they can "commit" him for 72 hours, after which he can sign himself out. His loved ones are truly in a Catch 22. Please send your prayers and highest intentions to Charlie, his parents, his children and his ex-wives; please include his godesses because they too are in harm's way.
            The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.


              People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

              Charlie makes the rest of us look like cucumbers. That is all.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

                Something I have learned, since my sobriety, is that nearly all alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. have one major thing in common. And, that is that we never developed healthy ways in which to cope with life's stresses. Some may read this and say, "Well dahhhhhhh!". But really think about it. When we seek advice to find out, in what ways a psycologically healthy individual deals with the stressors in their lives, and begin to apply these same principals until they become our instinctive reaction, we can come to know the freedom of sobriety.
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

                  He might still be suffering from addiction - but there's something else going on too. There is no doubt in my mind that the guy is sufficiently mentally ill that he is incapable of acting in his own best interests. If you look only at the physical transformation of a formerly good-looking guy (he's losing weight like crazy, looks like his hair hasn't been washed in ages, he's pale and gaunt and hollow-eyed), it's scary. His dad is much older and looks far healthier. Charlie is going to be dead soon. How sad.
                  * * *




                    People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

                    I believe Charlie is smarter than the average bear. He is far more aware of what's going on in this world than most and doesn't know what he can do about it given his intelligence and the resources at his disposal. It is sad to see him breaking down and I hope he finds his way.

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

                      Just wondering who will be replacing Charlie on " Two And A Half Men"-now that he's been fired... if the show continues...there's been talk of John Stamos or Rob Lowe...and I wonder how the show would do if he is replaced.
                      It's always YOUR choice!


                        People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

                        bestlifeldms;1073071 wrote: Something I have learned, since my sobriety, is that nearly all alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. have one major thing in common. And, that is that we never developed healthy ways in which to cope with life's stresses. Some may read this and say, "Well dahhhhhhh!". But really think about it. When we seek advice to find out, in what ways a psycologically healthy individual deals with the stressors in their lives, and begin to apply these same principals until they become our instinctive reaction, we can come to know the freedom of sobriety.
                        Do you think the unhealthy ways we deal with stress are learned or a result of our drinking? How did you learn how to deal with stress in a healthy manner?
                        While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                        Benjamin Franklin


                          People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

                          TracyA;1073074 wrote: He might still be suffering from addiction - but there's something else going on too. There is no doubt in my mind that the guy is sufficiently mentally ill that he is incapable of acting in his own best interests. If you look only at the physical transformation of a formerly good-looking guy (he's losing weight like crazy, looks like his hair hasn't been washed in ages, he's pale and gaunt and hollow-eyed), it's scary. His dad is much older and looks far healthier. Charlie is going to be dead soon. How sad.
                          I think you nailed it.
                          Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
                          - Jacob August Riis


                            People made fun of Charlie Sheen...

                            He is stressed and fighting addiction no doubt. I would not be surprised if he is using this as a means to gain attention to educate the masses on some convoluted level. I may be way off but if he's friends with those he claims and they publicly support him I don't discount all he says. I don't condone violence against women. That is the addiction rearing its ugly head imo.

                            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                            St. Francis of Assisi

