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6 Week AL Detox again

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    6 Week AL Detox again

    Well I did it last year. And I'm going for it again starting today.

    I managed a 2 week cleanse with no booze in February. Time to up the ante!

    Last night I drank too many beers and feel rotten today. I am so sick of this cycle.
    Stupid "Reward trigger" I gave into.

    So.....after reading a few threads I got the nerve to start this one. :fingers:

    Chillgirl - A post you left (on Fluff's thread) talking about shutting down the thoughts the second they enter your mind. I am really going to work on this when the cravings hit. We have several thoughts that enter our brain I must not let those AL Beast thoughts get any time to turn into action!

    I have a half marathon 6 weeks from now. I would like to be free of AL as I prepare for that. I'm scared and nervous about posting this (Because I have to own up to it now) but I did it last year I can do it again with the support of all the great people here!

    Meech :lordhelpme:

    6 Week AL Detox again

    Good luck meech. Wow a half a marathon. You make me tired just thinking about it. The nearest I ever got to a marathon was belting down to the off-licence(liquor store) to make it just before closing time. Good for you!
    I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

    There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


      6 Week AL Detox again

      Good Luck Meech.
      And best of luck in the half marathon.

      Really hope it works for you this time.
      You CAN do this.

      Still trying !!!
      AF 25th June2014


        6 Week AL Detox again

        Okey Dokey Mrs Meech,

        We have a goal. Obviously I'll not be running the marathon with you, ermm my running shoes got eaten by the dog or something like that, but I'll be supporting you all the way through this 6 weeks.

        So first things first. Have you got your self armed with all the L-Glut and other supps you'll need and a nice big plan written out to get you through each day?

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          6 Week AL Detox again

          Thanks Coalfire and Damo for the supporting words. I'm going to need that for this journey!

          JC - No I don't have a plan. Better get at that. I realized that when I was on my 12 day cleanse I had the mind set that drinking was not even an option, so I was able to dismiss the AL thoughts quite quickly (well most days - a couple of days I had the AL Beast really bugging me).

          I guess what triggered me into committing to a 6 Week AF Mission today was when I read the post Chillgirl wrote and many others were discussing in Fluff's thread. About not even allowing the AL Craving thought to enter the head. I was doing that when i was on the cleanse and not even knowing it. The thought would come everyday but I would just shut it out before it could gain the power to turn into a craving,,,, then turn into bad choices.

          1) I read about EFT (emotional freedom technique - EFT | Dr. Mercola's Emotional Freedom Technique) from another thread and I am doing that therapy. It only takes about a minute to do so I am trying to do it several times a day.
          2) I do have some Kudzu and will pick up some more L-glute tomorrow.
          3) When the thought enters my head to drink I will shut it out before it builds strength.
          I must replace it with another thought immediately. :notlistening:I know it's going to be hard, and I am learning to forgive myself for my past failures in sobriety. I need to believe I can do it and that life is so much better without AL.
          4) Time to buy my peach fizzy drinks again! Tonight it's peppermint tea and a bath.

          I don't drink everyday but the days I decide to have a drink it never stays at one. I can't control once I start. So I think it's worse than someone who has a couple of drinks everyday. I binge.


            6 Week AL Detox again

            I don't drink everyday but the days I decide to have a drink it never stays at one. I can't control once I start. So I think it's worse than someone who has a couple of drinks everyday. I binge.

            Me too. Last drink was 24th january.
            I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

            There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


              6 Week AL Detox again

              Good job Coalfire. Keep up the great work and wonderful way to treat your body, mind and soul!


                6 Week AL Detox again

                Day 2 AF

                Doing fine on Day 2.

                I love this site as I have once again received such good support and thought provoking issues underlying my own journey for sobriety.

                I will work on my SOBER PLAN after the 6 weeks now. So I can really achieve my lifetime goals.

                Have a great sober day everyone!


                  6 Week AL Detox again

                  Meech;1072704 wrote: I will work on my SOBER PLAN after the 6 weeks now. So I can really achieve my lifetime goals.
                  I LOVE THAT!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    6 Week AL Detox again

                    Hey Meech-something sounds different in you this time and it's a good thing!! I have found that the key really is shutting down the thoughts before they gain speed and replacing them with other thoughts-whether its how rotten I feel the morning after bingeing or what other things I can do to reward myself if I feel a reward is justified. You just have to find out what works for you. I KNOW you will be so much happier totally AF and I also KNOW how scary that thought is but once you see AL for the poison it really is, it does become easier.

                    Let's start with the 6 week detox and the half marathon and each day build your plan to be stronger and stronger. You can do this!!

                    :l :h
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      6 Week AL Detox again

                      Thanks Papmom and DoggyGirl.

                      I can not romantacize about AL. I can't give it a second thought.
                      Ohhhh this is going to be hard and I am so tired of the failed attempts.

                      So scarey to let go of something that's been a big part of my life. Even if it was a big stinking, miserable part with very few ups... it was still very close to me.
                      The Love Hate relationship with booze. I would never put up with a human relationship that long. Insane.


                        6 Week AL Detox again

                        Day 3AF and cravings already

                        Argggghhhh I was hoping they weren't going to come quite this quickly.

                        Plan - Push them out, AL is not a possibility don't even give in to the notion.

                        Time to eat!

                        Sober head on the pillow tonight and no regrets in the mornin!


                          6 Week AL Detox again

                          Same here, sober head on pillow tonight. If thats all you can do today, it is more then enough. Tomorrow you can be grateful.


                            6 Week AL Detox again

                            Keep reading and posting -- it's a great distraction and before you know it it's head to pillow time.


                              6 Week AL Detox again

                              I'm with you Meech, I have a half marathon in two weeks. I've run them while drinking and run them while not drinking and I prefer a race where I can feel good at the finish and ok with my time. Stay strong!
                              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.

