I am unhappy for many reasons and am seeing a therapist but my hubs has decided to move on to a new job as his ego and pride are hurt (plus he knows that he is talented and is not going to just give up). I support it but I am so fragile-- today he said -- you know I am changing jobs and you need to step up. The last time some crises happened I certainly took care of my family but I neglected myself and strated in the vicious drinking cycle. I am terrified that this will happen again as my addled mind thinks that booze would be a respite to the pressure that I am feeling. I also heard my husband on the phone and he was telling his friend that he is upset with my discipline-- I have gained weight from stress and I am sure the booze did not help. I feel paralyzed in moving forward -- the weight I am sure is the outer manisfestation to the raging turmoil I am feeling inside. I have largely sub'd food for booze and now that is an unhealthy cycle. I thought that i should handle one thing at a time (get off booze, then a proper health program) but I can hear in my hubs words that I am not going fast enough for him. I feel like a burden to him in his bad time. I feel like I am against a ticking time bomb that will be exploding in either my marriage or my health from the fat any minute. It is such a strong fear that I am almost paralyzed by it. There are just so many things that need addressing that I feel like a Freudian sand box!
Any help or encouragement you can give is appreciated. I don't knwo this person typing this messageanymore and I need to get her back