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why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

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    why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

    please somebody enlighten me. I always forget the misery.
    The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.

    why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

    I think we're designed evolutionarily to forget pain - if we couldn't we would be nonfunctional. I guess everyone tries to remember the pain of drinking in their own way. I know people who have written things down and carry the reminder with them? I'm sure others will be along with tips - do you have anyone you could call when you're tempted to drink - or an AA meeting you could go to? Some cities also have SMART recovery if AA is not for you.

    Sending you peace and strength,


      why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

      Thanks for the reply, i'm swinging wild here.
      I keep reaching to people as if it may be the answer.
      Can you count on anyone except yourself?
      The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.


        why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

        I am pretty sure KG is right about forgetting the pain-- I often think the whole experience of childbirth and parenthood is based on our ability to block out the bad! It is hard to think of all the bad with the drinking because for many of us-- the beginning of our drinking tenure had pleasant parts-- it felt very relaxing-- and I think we chase that high like any addict does with any drug. Often busy work takes my mind off of it-- things I dread doing like organizing drawers and closets-- they take time and attention and when they are done I always look at them at a symbol of the new order in my life. Good luck!


          why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

          I do find that posting and reading helps me, but we're all different. No one is there to keep you from putting the glass to your lips, right? Somehow, though, when I read of how difficult it is for everyone, it helps me keep things in the forefront of my mind -- more so than when I don't drink or post.



            why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

            No nobody puts the glass to our lips, but I don't think thats the problem. One way or another I always realise that drinking both feels and is fantastic...its exponentially better than normal life; it simply is, if life was a 10, drinking would be a 100. what do you do about that, how do you take a consistent 10 over a variable 0-100. herein lies my problem, when I'm at a 10, how do i convince myself that that 100 isn't worth the ------ herein I think? lies everyone's problem
            The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.


              why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

              Hi EOL. What happened to this part of your post?

              I always forget the misery.
              And yet drinking is exponentially better than "normal life?"

              Hmmm.... Are you forgetting the misery again?

              My life was very limited (and very miserable) until I quit drinking, and then proactively went out in search of LIVING again.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

                Doggygirl;1072589 wrote:
                Hmmm.... Are you forgetting the misery again?

                My life was very limited (and very miserable) until I quit drinking, and then proactively went out in search of LIVING again.

                Wise words DG - However I am guilty of the same thoughts too. I forget the shame, pain and awful feelings associated post binge. Grrrrr @ self.


                  why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??


                  No nobody puts the glass to our lips, but I don't think thats the problem
                  By that I meant that reading and posting here can only "protect" us from so much -- we are alone and in social settings that will tempt us when we're away from the boards. For me, the support here is just a partial help.

                  I think if the drinking is as you described it below, then maybe you haven't hit the point where you're ready to give it up. Maybe the "misery" that you keep forgetting is worse for those of us who have taken steps to change? Not sure. Most here have had personal problems, health issues, etc. that have catapulted them to the next level. They're sick of the hangovers or just think there's got to be more to life. I think the down side to alcohol is huge even when you're able to "handle" it, i.e. function in your day-to-day life.

                  And, then there are the things it's doing to our bodies that we can't see - which can be enormously detrimental.

                  So, we come to things in our own time, I guess. And our experiences are all different. Hope you come to the right conclusion for YOU! Incidentally, though, I think lots of people here think life is better sober - they laugh more, they feel more alive, etc. And, I think many would choose being sober even if they could go back to drinking in a controlled way. It's possible that would happen for you at some point too??



                    why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

                    Doggygirl;1072589 wrote: Hi EOL. What happened to this part of your post?

                    And yet drinking is exponentially better than "normal life?"

                    Hmmm.... Are you forgetting the misery again?

                    My life was very limited (and very miserable) until I quit drinking, and then proactively went out in search of LIVING again.

                    My point is that when you are enjoying yourself and drunk it is exponentially better than normal life. The fact that I am forgetting is the point of the thread, but lying to myself about the fact that it is better at least periodically when drunk will do me no good--> Can you convince yourself at all times that you are better off not drinking?
                    This is not rhetorical, I really have and am aware of this problem. If you don't, I am glad for you, I really am. I myself cannot say the same. A
                    The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.


                      why do i keep forgetting i have a drink problem??

                      I was a hopeless daily drunk. Life was going nowhere. I make a point of reminding myself on a daily basis just how miserable my life used to be. Because I am all too aware of the fact that 1) my brain will always want a fix and 2) if I give in to that notion, I will have all my misery back again and then some.

                      I spent many years in denial thinking I 1) was not alcoholic and 2) was having fun. Denial didn't get me anywhere except further down misery mountain.

                      I am personally convinced 100%, all the time, that I am far better off not drinking.

                      I know it doesn't feel that way at first. Withdrawls are difficult and also I had a hard time figuring out what to do with myself during all that time I used to spend drinking. Cravings are a rugged bitch.

                      But I'm way better off sober today than I was drunk.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.

