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Just wanna cry

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    Just wanna cry

    Hi all....just want to cry coz i cant stay out of drink ... i have a wonderfull future but... how in this modether fucking earth can stay out of drink?.
    . I m 28, was in jail, came back to study, i m in my finals BUT damn drinking problems ll be around me. i m crying like a little margarite , sorry just want to know your opinion. PAce out.
    AF since 06/11/2011

    Just wanna cry

    Mr d welcome to mwo, cry away i am sure many of us did just that, i cried many a time when i was drinking, when drinking becomes to much it just shows all the negative things in our lifes, you have said you have a wonderful life future focus on that,Can you stop for 30 days and take stock of were you want to go with this,There is a tool thread here in monthly abstinence check it out and give yourself a chance.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Just wanna cry

      Oh you poor poor thing Mr D, you sound so sad. We've all felt like that at one time or another, and you have come to a smashing place - everyone understands where you are at. Not sure how heavy your drink prob is, if you can just stop or if you need medical help for withdrawals. One way or the other - get yourself a day sober -JUST ONE DAY. Don't think about tomorrow, drink lots and lots of water and be gentle with yourself. If withdrawals are potentially going to be severe from very heavy continuous drinking maybe you should get some medical help. It is wonderful if you have a good doc to have someone 'minding your back' so to speak. Look what you can do when you ARE drinking - university - final year etc. Just IMAGINE what you could achieve without drink in the equation! You are very young, time to gather back your life and go on to have a great life
      Just today, Mr D - remember that - just today, no drink, and don't worry about tomorrow - when that comes, worry about it
      Sending hugs
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Just wanna cry

        Xpost Mario - ditto everything Mario says!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Just wanna cry

          Hi Mr D, if you have no willpower (like me) you could try taking Baclofen. I have gone from drinking 28 days per month to drinking maybe 2 or 3 times per month. The benefits to my health, sanity, "joie de vivre" are, needless to say, incredible. Some people have a hard time with Baclofen, but I was basically cured of my alcoholism with just 75 mg/day. Before you ruin your life, you should try it.


            Just wanna cry

            I feel you Mr D. I'm 28 also and lost a great job years ago from my drinking and recently got suspended (it turns out) and almost fired from the only crap job I've had ever since. I's a day to day hour to hour struggle for me but being here on MWO is helping WONDERS...stick with us. We know.
            If you can try Baclofen do it....I wish I could afford to after reading SO MANY amazing storys of it's success...

            PM me any time!

            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            I'm lost, I've gone to look for myself, so if I get back before I return, Please ask me to wait.


              Just wanna cry

              Mario, Mollyka, Seethepony, Toobroketoscope... thanks for your time. My problem start when i take a drink.. i can?t stop (90% times). I only drink during fridays or saturdays.Thanks again and i ll be around. No more excuses, :wavin:
              AF since 06/11/2011


                Just wanna cry

                "I only drink during fridays or saturdays"

                In that case, (to maul a line from "Withnail and I"), you could eat a pork pie, and drop a couple of Surmontils...means you'll miss Friday and Saturday, but you'll come up smiling Sunday.


                  Just wanna cry

                  Mr D. We all share this common problem. As others will say, just focus on not drinking today and tomorrow is another day. I didn't drink today. Tomorrow? Well, thats tomorrow. Its One Day At a Time (ODAT), otherwise you could get overwhelmed (anxiety) by the long term prospect . I did yesterday. If you fail, pick yourself up and continue ODAT the next day. Don't give up. And be good to yourself. Regards, TWO.

