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A Poem for Kanga...

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    A Poem for Kanga...

    I wrote this as it came to me -- my thoughts and grief I guess. This is just how it came out.

    Dear Kanga,

    I've often thought of blessings, coming in disguise
    And how our hearts connect, having never seen with eyes.

    When your first came to us, not a one of us knew,
    Our hearts would end up stolen by a precious kangaroo.

    Names on my screen -- of a few I'd grown fond.
    But never imagined would form such a bond.

    You brightened our days, always "tippin yer hat"
    For the joy you have brought; I thank you for that.

    You were like some cool Angel -- Yes, that's what you are...
    A cool Aussie Angel with the best avatar!

    You gave us so much, asking zilch in return,
    Your humor, your brilliance leave our hearts here to yearn.

    I would gladly stick cheese up my nose with some honey,
    Or between all my toes even tho I'd look funny.
    To have one more chance to write poems with you,
    Cuz even if they're cheezy, they were penned by our Roo.

    I guess its my "cheezy" way of sayin goodbye,
    To our dear precious Kanga, leaving hearts asking why.

    I'm honored to have known you in this strange sort of way,
    Our internet Kanga ---always makin our day!

    This place that we found you and first said "hello"
    We now all return to somehow let go...

    So from Allie to Kanga, my most favorite Roo.
    Twas a pleasure to know you...hat tipped back at you!:h

    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

    A Poem for Kanga...

    :l :h :l


      A Poem for Kanga...

      Bravo Allie!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        A Poem for Kanga...

        Nicely done, girl.
        So glad you decided to post it.
        It's perfect.


          A Poem for Kanga...

          I can't write a poem worth sh*t, so thanks for writing one, Allie!

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            A Poem for Kanga...

            Big smile here too!


              A Poem for Kanga...

              Ah Allie

              You've done him proud.



                A Poem for Kanga...

                I'm honored to have known you in this strange sort of way,
                Our internet Kanga ---always makin our day!

                So very true. I am honored to have known the Kanga if only from afar. And also honored to know his sheila's, esp. sheila # 1.

                Allie- thank you so much for your tribute to our main man.


                  A Poem for Kanga...


                  I've never before read a humorous poem that brought me to tears. You are a wonderful writer. Thank you for putting into words what someone like me can only feel.

                  :heart: E


                    A Poem for Kanga...

                    A tear-jerker. Thank you.


                      A Poem for Kanga...

                      Perfect Allie, just perfect!

                      Attached files [img]/converted_files/156341=219-attachment.gif[/img]
                      :h :h :h :h


                        A Poem for Kanga...

                        Great job
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          A Poem for Kanga...

                          Beautiful, beautiful captured it...thank you..


                            A Poem for Kanga...

                            I don't know how you do it Allie but keep doing it. :h
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              A Poem for Kanga...

                              Thank you Allie, that was wonderful
                              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

