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Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

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    Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

    I'm going to be leaving MWO but wanted to make a comment before I go. Two things have prompted this for me. Originally I was just going to quietly, but then I thought WTF - why not put in my two cents. Not a big deal because I'm not very active - have been on the Moderation Threads but was Choochie during my AF time and posted a lot then.

    I have spent a lot of time reading here since October. I've enjoyed going to other threads, including the Meds section just for edification. I was really saddened yesterday to see the acrimony about AA and thought the people there had every right to criticize and evaluate AA. Suddenly the self-appointed police showed up and then went on to other threads to do the very thing they had criticed the Meds thread people for -- being mean. I know, you're going to respond to this by saying that you had to jump in to defend someone who was being personally attacked. I've read all about it, but I don't buy it. I think we're all grownups quite capable of fending for ourselves.

    So after intruding on the Meds site those very people then went on to their "normal" threads and began tossing out a slew of catty, nasty barbs (all cloaked in humor of course). Such hypocricy to criticize someone for something and then turn around to do the very same. So fecking sophmoric.

    Before this another episode occurred. One member who had been a long-time poster on the Abs threads admitted to drinking three beers. She was castigated and ridiculed and left as a result. Jesus people, there are tons of others here doing the same - drinking and then admitting it, yet staying on the Abs threads. No one is attacking them.

    I am appreciative for all the positive things that happened for me while I was here. I guess everything has a shelf life, and my time here has expired.


    Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

    Hi KundaliniGirl,
    I hear what you are saying. I agree that we should all be mature enough to take what we need from hear and leave the rest. Everyone does have the absolute right to express their opinions here, and others have a right to express a differing opinion if they choose to do so. This is after all a "discussion board". Clearly, we all have different personalities, different back grounds and different ways that we express ourselves. We are also at different stages in our drinking and/or our sobriety. All of this means that at times we will disagree with others. But, I truly believe that we can disagree without the barbs and attacks. Many times, I have watched as entire groups here, will all converge on a thread that they have had no input in to attack somone for expressing themselves. This group prides themselves on "Having Each Others Backs", a term that I deplore! We are all here for the same reasons, at least the majority here are! This board is very safe, there are no threads here that are safer, or even more helpful than another. There is so much great advice and information here, there is no shortage of people who truly care! We have no "leaders".....we are all the same. With the exception of Rj, of course! I hate the whole "club" or "family" concept that has developed here as it causes distrust and is a huge source of gossip about others on this board. I know this personally as I have been the victim of this in the past. At one point, I had to forward a couple of PM's to stop the harrassment for untruths that had been spread!

    My thoughts on this whole situation is this. Yes, we can choose our friends. Yes, we can choose who we choose to communicate with and we have a perfect right to express personal thoughts and opinions on any topic. But, lets keep it to a discussion on the TOPIC and not turn it in to personal attacks!

    One more thing, people that suffer from addiction tend to be very sensitive souls, especially during early stages of sobriety. Others are not responsible for these sensitivities and personal struggles. All we can do is be ourselves, be honest and try to be adult about how we interpret what others present!

    Best To All!
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

      KateH1;1078487 wrote: Hi KundaliniGirl,
      One more thing, people that suffer from addiction tend to be very sensitive souls, especially during early stages of sobriety. Kate
      Agree wholeheartedly with this statement Kate. I think one thing we all have to keep in mind before we post are these questions to ourselves:

      Is it true? Is it kind?

      I don't think sticking to topic is that important, if that's what you want, read a book. We have personalities and humor and it's a shame to not share those and make this experience more fun than shameful. I believe digressing is natural, but returning to topic important. Nothing should be banned unless it's mean-spirited, even if the intention is good.


        Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

        Zen, thank you for this post. And, Kate too. I haven't been here all that long, so I guess I don't know the history.

        I didn't think the defending was as bad as going back to threads and then doing the tart jokes, but that's just me. That felt like ganging up on someone, which was not done on the meds thread that I saw. Bruun, your point is well taken about getting off topic being ok so that things can be more fun and less rigid.

        Anyway, I think I need a break anyway but very much appreciate those of you who responded. It does help me understand the situation a little better.



          Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy


          I so know where you're coming from....and I enjoyed reading your posts when you were Choochie. I was very turned off when I first logged onto MWO in November, 2006, because there were drunken posters who were obnoxious that day. It totally turned me off and I didn't even lurk for many months at a time. This was my very first experience with internet forums and had no idea that spats/misunderstandings/mean postings happen from time to time. happens on most forums that I've been lurking on lately....alcohol related or not. As far as the member who had 3 beers, I believe that some members' response to her was judgmental and out of line. I felt badly that she left.

          I agree with Zenstyle that it happens from time to time and no one remembers it in a week.

          KG, you have done wonders for people here. Your posts are always thoughtful and supportive. Hopefully you can take the good with the bad and discard the rest. :l


            Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy


            One thing I can tell you from experience is ALOT gets lost with posts. No tone of voice, or facial expressions. Its easy to read something and take it the wrong way. I think maybe that happened a bit on that thread from what I read of it.

            None of my business.... just an observation

            Good luck to you wherever your journey takes you :l
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

              I agree with AK and Rusty,

              KG your posts are valuable and these tiffs fade quickly - moreso than in daily life.


                Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

                Hi Kundalini Girl,

                I can relate to where you are coming from. Just don't forget that this place also has lot's of great, genuine, decent people too, not to mention all the amazing stories, and useful, sometimes cutting edge information. Have a little break, (2 day's, ok?!) then come back and use what you need from here for your own journey. This place is also an incredibly heroic, and positive, healing one.

                Best wishes, and hope to see you around.


                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

                  There is little I can add to what has been said. Saying that, you KNOW I will anyway! :H

                  I've been working on my life for a long time. I've had some absolutely wonderful advice, in many different arenas. Have seen the skirmishes here occasionally, and at one time, felt compelled to jump in and defend someone. But, for me, I go back to what a VERY wise counselor told me once; 'None of us got here by singing too loud in the choir.' The beauty and the challenge of MWO is we are dealing with humans, individuals, personalities. Some people just rub others the wrong way. No one agrees on everything. I've had differences, of a polite nature, with Kate and Zen. So what? Sometimes I speak to my brother, sometimes wish I'd dropped him on his head more.

                  I DO hate a pack mentality, and I have learned, and am learning, it is non-productive. I get attacks, nasty PMs, lots of stuff. At first it really hurt, but over time, I realized I don't need protection, or self-flagellate myself for someone disagreeing me, not liking me. I'm human. I make mistakes. My personality isn't for everyone. Fine.

                  But, if we see things get REALLY nasty, there are better ways to deal with it than public sparring. Like a TV with a channel to change, or a mute button, we have an ignore button here. (I KNOW it's hard to do it, cause you really want to know what is going on in the fracas). If you have a dif of opinion (and some of the people I respect the most here have HUGE difs from me) discuss it. Name calling, dredging up history, etc. is absolutely unproductive. Not trying to be a Pollyana, or at all blameless in indulging in the same bad behavior, but even differnces of opinion can be stated positively. Or, just leave the thread. A well-stated different opinion is WONDERFUL, IMHO. And, as someone recently reminded me, never argue with a person who's drunk. You aren't talking to the real person anyway.

                  I don't know the event that led to this thread. Doesn't matter, because I'm not involved. I'm on a thread where I call people 'family'. I like it. But if someone else doesn't, why should it bother me? If we get angry because someone disagrees with us, life is THAT much harder, isn't it? And it's hard enough.

                  So, KG, I'm sorry to see you leave. I understand what you're talking about, and wish you wouldn't, but as long as you believe in why you are, that's your perogative. Take care of yourself, friend. I just wish everyone would work hard on what I've had to, and am STILL working on, tolerance. This is my OPINION. It's not that I have any answers more than you. And if you disagree, that's fine too. I'm learning, I hope, and I've bitten the end of my tongue off at times.

                  I went to rehab, and was having a horrible time with someone who was openly attacking, gossiping, etc., about me. On my way to call Hubs to come take me home, I was intercepted by a counselor who asked to talk to me, and was led into a room with every counselor, therapist, etc., in it. I thought 'OK, they've seen this person's behavior, will support me.' WRONG I was told to work on myself, given some exercises to try for 24 hours, and if I didn't see a dif, I could leave. Grudgingly, I did. It was a revelation. If I'd walked away, I would have carried the negativity with me. One of the best lessons I've ever learned. I hope everyone can find their way to deal with their own problems, and quit worrying about anyone else's.

                  Sorry, of course I've run on. Of course, you don't have to read it or agree, do you!?:h
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                    Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

                    I'm with Zen 100%. There are a few members who thrive on creating chaos here. I think they become bored when we have a prolonged period of peace. A few of us dislike the judgmental posts, and a few thrive on them. I look for the posters defending the mean behavior, and know straight where to put them. "Ignore" .


                      Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

                      Now hang on there missus. You are not going anywhere! I am very handy with a lasso I will have you know.:H

                      KG This was my last post on that that thread.

                      "Otter thanks for starting this thread. Im sure you never imagined the response you would get.! Well its been 24 hours now of pulling each others pigtails. Hopefully no one got hurt and we all came away with something to think about. Its a thread non of us will forget in a hurry thats for sure but hopefully it was all done in the spirit of MWO."- coalfire

                      No one died KG.As PbarE said-if you put a crowd of passionate intelligent people together then the temperature will rise sometimes. Its a little bit like real life. Think of your nearest and dearest.Have you never had a huffy head with them? Of course you have. I am fortunate enough to be in a happy relationship with mr coalfire but we have had spats over the years too. So why wouldnt it happen on MWO? This site is not just a support group. It is a very real think tank for alcoholics. There are people from science/medical backgrounds on this site and their training influences how they see things and the type of things they like to talk about.They are from evidence based professions and want to pick things apart and look at things in new ways. The next person might view things through a religious dimension and is more comfortable with faith based ideals.The next group are traditionalists and prefer tried and trusted methods.

                      Different sections clashed yesterday but its fine today.I managed to annoy both groups yesterday. Thats what happens if you try to sit on two stools-you fall off both of them:H

                      I got a few smacks but Im still here.

                      Ok maybe things were a little bit bitchy this morning but thats just the aftershocks. This time next week it will all be old.

                      There is a song by Ray lynham called"If we are not back in love by monday"[/video]]YouTube - Ray Lynam - If Were Not Back In Love By Monday Thats what will happen here.We will be back in love by monday(and long before it) So dont go.Please pretty please!!
                      I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                      There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                        Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

                        Ages since i heard ray lynam, coalfire, ;-)

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

                          Oh Coalfire.........:h:h:h

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

                            PS My signature is the cause of the tart jokes. I read the comments and Im fine. I know how my signature came about(in a joke conversation with Doggygirl)Anything else is silly.So dont worry your head about that.
                            I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                            There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                              Criticism of Others on This Site - Hypocricy

                              Coalfire (marioface):H
                              I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                              There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.

