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    Hi akgirl,
    Me too, felt great yesterday, what's a little wine..............had a bottle........
    Don't feel too hung over, I use to drink two a night. Still I am sure I would feel more energetic if I had not drank. Yesterday I did not take the Kudzo, because I thought it was giving me headaches, I guess I better take some today. The hangover free days have been great, so I just have to keep reminding myself how truely great they really are.
    Have a great day, and don't watch the cooking show, far too risky!



      I just keep thinking about my poor liver and how much damage I have done. I read Allen Carr's book and one thing he said really hit home (wish it had sooner)

      "It is a powerful detergent an can be burnt as fuel. Just think what that does to your body."

      Another one is,

      "It is a very powerful poison. If you drank a relatively small quantity of neat alcohol, you would kill yourself. In fact, you are already doing that, slowly but surely."

      Liver disease is a silent killer, we may think we feel fine but who knows whats going on inside. I have got to be kind to my liver.... I don't want to be chronically ill when I'm older. Or worse...die young. My son deserves better.

      Stay strong everyone :l
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



        Another one from Allen Carr's book "The Easy Wat to Quit Drinking"

        "The problem is that the first drink not only made
        you more thirsty but it began to remove your
        inhibitions, including the inhibition about
        drinking too much. Each subsequent drink just
        exacerbates the situation. You get progressively
        thirstier and your fear of drinking too much disapates"

        Really good book....makes ya think huh?
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



          JackieClaire;1078541 wrote: Promise me one thing, will you post more often. It's lovely to see you.

          J x
          Thanks so much, you are sweet.
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



            Well, I did it! Day 2 yaaaay! It doesn't seem like much but 2 days sober after two decades of drinking, well.......its big for me. Now comes the witching hour...the weekend. I think I can get through it. Getting to sleep has been tough so I need help with that, but otherwise I really don't want AL. I really think I'm gonna make it this time....woohoo!!!!

            Sending :l and support to all
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



              And big :l:l:l to you AK.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009



                AK, doesn't it feel GOOD to be sober, and to have said what you thought you needed to say? I'm so VERY proud of you!!!
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



                  akgirl;1080030 wrote: Well, I did it! Day 2 yaaaay!
                  That's fantastic ak.

                  That's such an exciting feeling, isn't it? But, in reference to my own experience, I felt that way several (ok, more than several) times before I hit the Baclofen 'switch.' The last thing I want to do is give you permission or enable you to have 'lapses' but rather, to help you appreciate that often more than that determination you're feeling is required. Oh dear. Do I hit 'Submit' with this post or not. I want to help, not discourage.

                  Getting to sleep has been tough so I need help with that, but otherwise I really don't want AL. I really think I'm gonna make it this time....woohoo!!!!
                  Once you get through withdrawals, sleep problems will pretty much sort themselves out (they did with me, anyway) but if you opt for Baclofen, you'll sleep like the dead initially.
                  :h Mish :h
                  Never give up...
                  GET UP!!!

                  AF since 25th November, 2011

                  What might have been is an abstraction
                  Remaining a perpetual possibility
                  Only in a world of speculation.
                  What might have been and what has been
                  Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot



                    Feel so good I want to drink....
                    Feel so good because I didn't drink...

                    Isn't our inner Alkie brain

                    The battle for me is the drive I stop
                    For AL or not....once home I battle a bit more not
                    to leave, after that I'm okay....well except for
                    sleep, kind of a struggle.

                    But all so worth it, feeling great

                    BTW, thanks Mish, but no Bac for me. Too scared
                    of all the side effects. Glad it works for others tho.
                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



                      Hi AK,

                      Nice to see you and well done!

                      Hope you're doing OK today and that you're ready for another great day AF!

                      If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan



                        Hi EW

                        Thanks, and yes I am.

                        Never thought I could quit....feel waaay better
                        sober than I ever did drinking.
                        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



                          Hi AK, I am a newbie, just joined today but I can see already what a powerful and inspiring community this is.

                          I admire what you have achieved and really feel from your posts that this is 'the' step forward for you, well done and I wish you all the very best on your journey.

                          I am only just beginning my battle and I am not sure how it will end, but I am grateful that you could share your thoughts and feelings here, so that others like me can take strength from them.

                          All the best A.



                            Wow, thank you.......and your right, this is a great place, welcome. I hope to see you post and wish you strength as you start your journey. PM me anytime:l
                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



                              AK, hi there, I think we're on the same timeline.

                              DSLR, I've been there as has everyone here. Not knowing where your journey will take you is not a fun option if you're on the AL road. Of course, none of us know where our road will take us but AL makes everything harder, although that first glass or two make it seem like it's easing your path, it's not. Keep posting, keep coming back, try different therapies here, many have gotten better.

                              AK, regarding baclofen, I tried doing high dose therapy to quit and couldn't stay on it for blood pressure reasons, and the side effects frightened me. However, since going off high dose, my blood pressure and side effects have left, and taking 25mg a day helps me sleep and helps my anxiety so I can have more AF days. You might try 5mg and see, and go up to 40 if you can - it's being studied for AL. I didn't have any negative side effects until I got to 50mg and that was sleep apnea. But really really great sleeping otherwise.

                              I feel different like you do, I'm not sure I can attribute it to baclofen or my own internal switch or will power, but probably the three.

                              Keep up the good work, you'll be happy you did. Today is the first day of the rest of your life!



                                Hi ak

                                you know how pleased I am for you that you have got to where you are at. But being a friend of sometime now and like you being playing the 'lets hide the truth from ourselfves' games for a while I too am back as you know. But I have to say when I saw th title of your thread I though aye up what has mz ak been up to ?????? my mind boggled. So a big huge congratulations telling the truth is bloody hard !! well done you , you deserve the wonderful life you are now going to have ! well once all that snowmelts and the sun comes out !!! oh and the huslies go to sleep lol.

                                So pleased for you .

                                Love you ak

