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    Thanks again everyone for all you good wishes and support. Failed on Sat but back at it. I just have to will myself to drive past the liquor store....then just stay busy and deal with it. I feel sooooo much better sober. I bought myself a charm bracelet and am going to get a new charm for every week sober. I started with one, a key...cause I know I have the key to staying sober. I know that this time is it.....because up until now I never REALLY tried.

    Sending support to all
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



      AK, here's to many lovely charms on your wrist! How right you are about feeling better sober. I'm officially three weeks "dry" and I have the energy of a college kid (I'm 51). Instead of planning for my next bottle, dealing with the discreet disposal of empties, gobbling aspirin for hangovers, I'm gardening like crazy, finishing some decorating projects around the house, jogging again (hit four miles yesterday!) and loving the un-puffy, un-red-eyed face in the mirror each morning. And actually remembering conversations I've had with Mr. Jane the night before! Would I go back to the "old life" even for a day? NOT A CHANCE.

      You can do it!
      Jane Jane



        Thanks Jane, actually remembering the night true. I love that part.
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



          Went to the store.....went in the liquor dept....picked up a bottle of wine....

          Put it back and left....whew, that was close. Yaaay I did it!
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



            jane jane;1081733 wrote: AK, here's to many lovely charms on your wrist! How right you are about feeling better sober. I'm officially three weeks "dry" and I have the energy of a college kid (I'm 51). Instead of planning for my next bottle, dealing with the discreet disposal of empties, gobbling aspirin for hangovers, I'm gardening like crazy, finishing some decorating projects around the house, jogging again (hit four miles yesterday!) and loving the un-puffy, un-red-eyed face in the mirror each morning. And actually remembering conversations I've had with Mr. Jane the night before! Would I go back to the "old life" even for a day? NOT A CHANCE.

            You can do it!
            Jane Jane, are you my twin? Even tho I'm a little older? Right down to the Jane Austen thing. I'm a true Janeite and have been the recipient of many amused remarks and eye rolling about my addiction to all things Austen.
            I've also had the energy of a college kid and have thrown all of it into my garden and home.

            AK, I felt as you do many times before getting AF. Dead sure I'd nailed it, but ended up failing again and again. Not saying this will be your experience, but if it does happen, don't lose hope. The only time you lose hope is when you quit trying, and I can sense how badly you want to reach your goal. You have the right spirit to achieve it.
            Maybe go back to the Tool Box and try some of the suggestions there to get you past the liquor store and home safely.
            Best wishes AK
            :h Mish :h
            Never give up...
            GET UP!!!

            AF since 25th November, 2011

            What might have been is an abstraction
            Remaining a perpetual possibility
            Only in a world of speculation.
            What might have been and what has been
            Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot



              akgirl;1082103 wrote: Went to the store.....went in the liquor dept....picked up a bottle of wine....

              Put it back and left....whew, that was close. Yaaay I did it!
              AK, Hi,
              A while since I've seen you around.

              Wow, you did really well by the sounds of it. Next step I suppose, is not setting foot inside the liquor store... which can be difficult as they seem to be in every supermarket and every street corner!



                Hurray AK!!!

                Mish, us Janeites must stick together!! I've practically memorized every book (including her juvenilia) and have been to a meeting of the JASNA (Jane Austen Society of North America)---what a treat, all those Jane people in one room! Highlight: entering the JA Trivia Bee and winning first place!!!

                Here's to a sober Tuesday, everyone. Let's not get "dead drunk" like Austen's short-story characters, the Johnsons...
                Jane Jane



                  Another confession, I passed out last night......from exhaustion

                  Yep, stil AF and trying to stay as busy as possible. It helps get me past the "witching hours"

                  Here's to a sober Wed all!
                  :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



                    "Went to the store.....went in the liquor dept....picked up a bottle of wine....

                    Put it back and left....whew, that was close. Yaaay I did it"

                    On Monday I wanted to stop and get some soda and I thought maybe I should stop at the liquor store to get it and when they try to sell me my usual I could say "No thanks I quit drinking" but as I drove by there something inside me said don't do it and I went to the gas station instead.

                    "Another confession, I passed out last night......from exhaustion"

                    Me Too!!! I worked out and came home, took a shower and prepared for another night of trying to fall asleep. I was out by 9:30pm and it felt great.

                    Great Job and Keep Fighting!

                    I am on Day 6 today and feeling awesome.
                    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.



                      Great Job Red on day 6!

                      I started on the 15th and have managed 6 out of nine days AF. The last 4 in a row. I had the battle last night of "do I want a glass of wine?" and when I really thought about, I didn't. I just keep comparing how I feel sober to when I'm drunk. Its hard to get past from like 5-7pm for me but so worth it.

                      I am so happy I have finally made the choice. I was a daily drinker for about 15 years. I always told myself I was "trying"..... I mean I bought tons of books, supps, tapes....but in the end, for me, it was just plain making up my mind to stop.......oh wait, that and the god awful fear of liver cancer and long term illness

                      Sending :l
                      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



                        [pre]I am so happy I have finally made the choice. I was a daily drinker for about 15 years. I always told myself I was "trying"..... I mean I bought tons of books, supps, tapes....but in the end, for me, it was just plain making up my mind to stop.......oh wait, that and the god awful fear of liver cancer and long term illness [/pre]

                        I did the same "trying" for the past 4 years. I prayed something would just click I and I would be fixed - I never fully understood that I had to do the work. I made my plan and gradually cut down (I called it "practicing quitting") Each night I waited later and later to drink and "practiced" being sober through things/times that I would normally drink. As I realized I could get thru those times without drinking it became clearer to me that I didn't need the AL like I thought I did. So finally last Thursday night was my last drink at 11pm and I honestly so far do not miss it at all.

                        Great job and keep it up - We can do this!:goodjob:
                        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.



                          And I too was afriad of the physical crap that comes along with drinking.

                          I had blood tests done on Saturday and they came back within normal ranges for my liver so thank goodness for that.
                          AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                          Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.



                            5 in a row....7 days total. And I'm like you Red.....I don't miss it at all. And I'm actually sleeping better than ever. Feeling very proud of myself. I get my new charm for my bracelet today and am excited for the next one. Here's to another week sober.

                            Sending support to all
                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



                              Well done AK and red you are doing brilliantly, wishing you both a wonderful and AL free weekend. As I said to AK before you are inspirations to those of us still making our way to the beginning of being AL, thank you.




                                Thanks DSLR

                                To all those wanting to take the first step....just try one day, it is so worth the effort.

                                Good luck and work hard
                                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

