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Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

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    Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

    Ok I showed up drunk and it took my boss about one second to spot that.

    Now I have a meeting first monday to "discuss" what happened.

    I have already gotten the verbal dismiss, so I know this is just a formality to sack me.

    Amyway. I have a pretty good motivation to take a very large dose of antabuse just after the meeting where I officially gets sacked. In this way, loosing the job will be a good thing for me. I don't want to reveal too much here, but it is a high paying, high presure job. Every day a hustle to meet the boss's "demands". (I.E. to make the company make as much a return on my wage as possible.)

    So folks, please give me strength to take my Antabuse this day or else it will all go downhill from here.

    Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

    Scan-- All i know about antabuse is that if you drink then it can be dangerous-- so are you sure that you should be taking it when you are so vulnerable? At least get the booze out of you today and then decide how to approach perhaps. I know that being fired is drastic so you want to be drastic as well-- but I want to be sure that you will be safe taking it.

    I do agree that a huge change like being let go can be an impetus-- there are countless tales of succcessful people who have said getting fired from certain jobs made them successful--if you were able to hold such a good position you know that after you get sorted out you can do so again!

    If you are sure it is safe for you to take teh antabuse-- and that you will not jeopardize your life while on it in a bad time-- then go fot it. Maybe some supervision with it would be good (a doc or at least a pal to help)?


      Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

      I will not be drunk for this meeting, so taking Antabuse after that time will be very safe.

      I just hope I will do it, and that I will take the whole 250mg and not just a quarter of a pill....

      250mg antabuse will change everything for the better for me because then I will have to deal with being sober for some time and making it work for me.


        Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

        S, That 'll do it every time...........
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

          good luck scandanavian...
          my high pressure job and finacial difficulties have contributed to my drinking problem. While it is ultimatley up to me, this stuff doesn't help.
          I have taken anatbuse and made 45 days AF, but dont play with it ok??
          Best of luck to you
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

            Yeah Scandanavian, I know how you feel. This happened to me too - and I worked in alcohol aftercare at the time as I believed I'd cracked my drinking :-$ ! Luckily they gave me the option to quit or go through dismissal procedure so I quit. I have spent a year struggling since then but have finally found something i believe will work for me long term. I guess if I hadn't had the time off I never would've had the time to really focus on MY recovery FIRST, rather then trying to fix everyone else.

            I tried antabuse too - and while it does buy you a bit of time, there is no substitute for addressing why you want to drink yourself silly in the first place.

            Good luck,
            k x
            Recovery Coaching website

            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

            Recovery Videos


              Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

              Kimberley;1079651 wrote: ...there is no substitute for addressing why you want to drink yourself silly in the first place.

              k x
              Got me thinking that part...

              When I started drinking therapeutically about 10 years ago I might have had some problems that are not there today, so it could be just an old very bad habit...

              Thank you all for the support. I reallt want to go a year AF because I am fat, ugly, tired and out of shape mentally and physically now, and has been for the last four years give or take...


                Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.


                Know how you feel-- I am so heavy from just boozing after I gained from having my son. He is 5 now!!! And now there is no excuse. but of course drinking makes us bigger-- bet if we concentrated just on the health and weight we could be a whole lot happier-- what do you say? I started a bit ago but I will go with you like it is day one! Now the job is gone-- yes that is a downer but if I am reading it right-- it sounds as if you did not want it-- get well and concentrate on you-- if you do-- just think of what you will do!!! I was a successful attorney-- big job, lots of money, bg responsibility-- but I HATED it. I was ill with cancer so quit and the drink was not an issue then but I hated it-- I could not have gotten well if I had had to think of that all the time.

                Good luck-- PM if you would like-- I know it is hard to talk about all this. As for the antabuse--I think you are scared because maybe you feel as if you will fail with it. If you are committed and look for why you drank while you are not drinking with the help of the drug perhaps you can succeed and if it takes enforced abstinence with danger if you drink to do it-- then go for it!


                  Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

                  I understand about the high pressure job and financial issues. I have both, but I promise you, you can deal wth things so much better with a clear head. Doesn't mean that the situation isn't a pain in the ass, but the way you deal with it sober will make it easier. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us updated.
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                    Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

                    Hi Scan,

                    Sorry to hear about your job. I was in a similar high pressure role and when my drinking took over I also did like Kimberley and quit before being 'fired' was on my record.

                    Try and get yourself sober over the weekend so you can go into the meeting on Monday with your head held high even if it will be a tough one.

                    As others have said, good can come of this now if you make it your 'lowest ebb' and begin working on climbing back up to the top - wherever you want 'the top' to be.

                    All the best,

                    If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                      Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

                      Scan, so sorry about your situation. Dismissal isn't a foregone conclusion in my workplace. Is this your first offence? Maybe if you put your cards on the table on Monday, confess you have a problem but that you are actively trying to get help, they might issue a warning but also offer to support you.

                      I know my place would have to do this if it's a first offence.

                      I don't know anything at all about antabuse, so can't help you there. Just wishing you well and hoping you feel better soon.


                        Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.


                        I agree with Vintage Girl. I would go into the office with your hat in your hand, apologize and say that you know you have a problem and are seeking help. Here in the States, we have what is called an Employee Assistance Program where people can get help for substance abuse if they seek it out....before they lose their jobs. Employers also can be liable if an employee does have a substance abuse problem and then doesn't offer that employee help. Give it a shot....and be truthful....this was a wake-up call for you and you know you were won't do it again, etc. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!


                          Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

                          Good call, Rusty. I so believe in openly admitting to having a weakness with alcohol and showing a willingness to get well. If they don't keep you on they'll at least have to acknowledge your courage (and dignity, of course) in speaking up. Alcoholism doesn't just 'happen' to 'bad' or 'weak' people.
                          Best wishes for Monday.
                          :h Mish :h
                          Never give up...
                          GET UP!!!

                          AF since 25th November, 2011

                          What might have been is an abstraction
                          Remaining a perpetual possibility
                          Only in a world of speculation.
                          What might have been and what has been
                          Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                            Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

                            Oh yeah - good point everyone. Most employers will have a policy whereby for a first 'offence', you have the option to access support.

                            When I went in drunk the first time (yes I know, cringe), I got offered a short course with an occupational therapist and a support plan where i was supposed to have regular 1:1s etc. Sadly the support plan wasn't properly carried out (hence going in drunk a second time and being told to quit).

                            I would get hold of your employee handbook or subs misuse policies and see what they have written out there.
                            Good luck!
                            K x
                            Recovery Coaching website

                            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                            Recovery Videos


                              Just lost my job because I showed up drunk.

                              Thanks for the support everyone I'll let you know what happens!

