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Feeling out of sorts

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    Feeling out of sorts

    Hi all

    a bit strange this ! not had a bad head all week as I have not been drinking, I am the sort of person two glasses of wine and my head feels like I have had two bottles ! two bottles and I am out of action for two days ! never stopped me but probably been my saving grace as it has stopped me having two bottles everyday if that makes sense.

    But the strange thing I am clear headed but I feel like there is a void in my life, planning to do anything seems a bit difficult as most things we usually do include having a drink, friends meals etc.

    So although this is the right thing for me in some ways I am missing it , which I know is quite normal but feels very strange.

    My anxiety is still on the ceiling looked up syptoms of the menopause yesterday of the 35, I racked up 30 ! quickly made a doctors appointment.

    Good Friday to you all


    Feeling out of sorts

    Hey BH - Well done on getting through this week AF! :goodjob:

    Its going to take time for these voids to fill up with other things, we have programmed our minds with a life long pattern of our social life involving AL and we cant change it overnight. It will however get easier and easier, everytime you do something AF you will be setting a new pattern and like a path being trodden through the grass we eventually map out a new route

    Also remember there will be "blah" days, we had them when we were drinking too but we were just so less aware of how we were feeling then.
    You are doing fantastically and we are all here cheering you on :cheering:
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Feeling out of sorts

      Hi BH,
      Menopause can really fog your brain, after my hysterectomy last summer I was thrown into menopause over night. Memory loss, trouble concentrating and depresion. I have been on HRT and antidepressants since October, and am feeling much better. The whole menopause unfortunately can take years, I started with the night sweats at 46. There are many natural ways to smooth out the ups and downs.
      I hope your doctor can help you through this difficult period. The good news is when you are through it you will feel great!


        Feeling out of sorts

        Hi Brave!

        Been away a while and missed you :l Sorry to hear you are a bit down. I can relate to the anxiety a lot, and am probably pre menopausal as well....oh boy right? I started taking some supps to help, L-Theanine and one called True Calm. They seemed to help. I also tried some breathing techniques my therapist taught me.

        Hope the down time passes and you get back to feeling like yourself.

        PM me or I will catch up with you on FB

        :l my friend
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

