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Worry warts

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    Worry warts

    Hi all

    So firstly, I should thank you all for the support over the last 24 hours when I was going out of my box with worry. :h

    What I learned and what I continue to learn as I go through this process is to cope with worry and stress without turning to drink. And trust, as you are all aware it is NOT easy sometimes. It's hard to re-educate or even initially educate yourself on how to cope with stressful situations without al but it has also made me realise that actually turning to drink was the easy way out - its facing up to those worries and letting them go which is hard.

    I just really want everyone to know that, apart for some life changing situations - nothing is EVER as bad as it seems. We have a choice - we can either worry ourselves sick and stress or we can analyse it, decide a course of action and go down that route. Also, ultimately there is only so much you can do and the sooner we accept this the better. It is important to engage with others and discuss these worries - a problem shared is a problem halved.

    Please use this thread as a place you can write down your worries and then let them go. If you want advice, then ask but if you just need to get it out - do that.

    Thanks for reading..
    'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

    "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

    AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

    "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"

    Worry warts

    Hiya fellow worry wart:l! Glad you are feeling better! Wags wrote on the thread this morning--and Tips too--about learning how to "let go" of our babies! Whether they are 5 or 25:H! Ok-I know this is not your problem-worry but it is mine for the moment (and years to come!). The world is a pretty scary place at times-and sometimes it is good to worry! But ..drinking sure as hell won't help. I guess all we can do is just do the best we can-and sharing worries does help! So now..I have to decide if I sign the papers to send my baby to camp this summer!! I was going to go today and just could not do it:upset:. But time is running out and I have to take a decision by Monday! Cassia-I'm sure you are not surprised I'm on here:H!


      Worry warts

      We all worry about things that are happening in our lives, But it is how we deal with them thats important, ;-)

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Worry warts

        Excellent post!
        One of the things I have done during this attempt at sobriety that I havent done before is deal with the major 'stresses' in my life that I used as triggers in the past. I have had to make changes and stick to them and implement them daily, rather than having a week sober and then falling back into old routines and letting the same ppl and things get to me, let stress build and drink. I deal with them there and then, dont let it build and effect me. For 2 weeks I have been doing this, and have noticed so much difference. I go to bed with a clear mind and concience and wake fresh, ready for the day ahead.
        Not all the changes have been easy to impliment, and I know there are big tests to come,but im ready to deal with them in the now, rather than put them away like unpaid bills, until I have a draw full of problems and stress, which in my experience leads me to drink.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Worry warts

          My Dad always said 'worry by all means about the things you can do something about - never ever worry about something that you can do nothing about!' It is so important to me to remember that. My older sons had a row yesterday - one of them is a stubborn lad and nothing changes his mind except subtly planting something in his head and then he seems to come round of his own accord. I would have worried sick about the issue in question in the past and drank to bury it. Now I know that he is his own man, and true to form he arrived in this morning after making important calls and the whole issue was sorted without me losing a moments sleep - I used my daddys wisdom!!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Worry warts

            If I worry today about something that may happen tomorrow and it doesn't, I had anxiety for nothing, if that worry does materialize, I still suffered the same anxiety twice!
            Deal with shit when it happens or be proactive before it does, live in the moment!!

            Okay, advice I cannot always follow myself, but I still know there is wisdom in it.


              Worry warts

              Great Thread!

              I worry - I spend too much money.

              I kicked off about family shit the other day and my father isnt speaking to me.

              I worry that I am not going to get into a low stress part time job anytime soon to take away the boredom. Though make an effort Kitty?!

              Worry Im going to be single forever. Not that I am really making an effort in that dept either!

              Worry I am going to drift along in this malaise that I seem to be in with no real motivation and one day wake up fat and forty ish and wonder where it all went?

              Think I have my answers right here..... I need to take control of my life before someone else (Or alcohol) does. My father though is like Gadaffi, no solution there. Let that one go.


                Worry warts

                Hey all! Thanks so much for posting! It's amazing that we all have different worries but the common denominator seems to be fear and maybe we need look at addressing this and that can help with worrying less.

                For example, I was so worried because I had to deliver a hard message to a client that would crush his dreams. Yeah, not good but I was in an impossible position. But see the more and more I thought about it, i realised I was scare of how he was going to react, scared he could blame me, feared I hadn't done enough. And that's a huge learning curve. I have to confront those fears and hopefully that will help with the worrying!

                'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

                "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

                AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

                "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"

