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Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

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    Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

    :applaud: capper well done on day one :goodjob: sometimes think its the hardest day because we always say ill start tomorrow and so on and so on!! keep strong


      Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

      Just wanted to let you know I am on Day 6 today and still feeling great! I want to thank you all for checking in on me. Somehow this is starting to feel normal now which is funny because for over 8 years daily drinking was my normal. I know that there will be days that pose challanges but I am feeling strong and have really not had to struggle with any cravings yet. I do have a plan for each day to keep me occupied as I am not strong enough yet to deal with open free time. But if this is what it takes to feel this good it is worth it. I can't wait til I don't feel the need to count days - that this will just be how I live. Will that ever happen? I quit smoking weed over 10 years ago (after smoking daily morning til night for 8 years) and after the first couple weeks I never had the desire to again. Is drinking the same?

      Happy Wednesday to all of you!!!!!
      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


        Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

        Red you are going grrreat!! so glad for you. ive never had weed but need to stop smoking cigs keep us informed. its a beautiful day in the uk doesnt the sunshine make us feel better too. im at home off work at min so enjoying garden. have a great day red :h


          Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

          Day 7 today. Last night I finally slept well thru the night, even woke up late which I never do. I am so excited for this weekend. I have not planned a trip for a weekend in soo many years cause all I wanted to do was drink (and at home so noone would bug me) I am going to see my Nephews dorm at college and then go to a small casino near his town.

          Still excercising daily, taking my supps and keeping positive. I can't say thank you enough to you guys here.

          Hey, Stashia - thanks for the supportive words it means alot to me. How are you doing?
          AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

          Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


            Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

            caper564, how are you doing? You can do this! I didn't think I could get past day 1 and I put it off for so many years hoping it would "just happen". For me it has really been much easier than I could have ever imagined. I would terrify myself thinking how could I make it through the night without AL putting me to sleep. How could I go thru the weekend without AL? I have told myself over and over again I will not drink NO MATTER WHAT and it is working. I find when I have a thought about drinking I immediately shut it down and think of something else I can do. So far this is working for me. I could not just stop drinking without filling the time with something else whether it be meetings (I do SMART and SOS, excercising, cleaning, cooking or whatever I can do. I also take L-Glut (powder mixed in my water all day long) which helps with cravings (and it has taken away my sugar cravings too).
            AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

            Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


              Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

              your very welcome red. im doing great on AL Free front 23 days now and toooo busy to drink as have enrolled on the army thread for a few computing lessons!! Theve kept me v busy there!! Well done to you aint it grreat not feeling s**t am lovin it Oh and hope you have a fab wkend xs


                Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

                congratulations red

                am showing off and practising just learnt to do this!! But realy am THRILLED for you well done x


                  Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

                  You GO Red!! :yougo: Your energy is contagious!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

                    I am doing OK RED. I get the going to sleep thing. but i seem to be sleeping OK so far. I am using Antabuse so that gets rid of the inside dialogue with myself. But the weekend is coming and we are going to my inlaws for Earth hour. they are very heavy drinkers. I won't be able to drink but i am worried it will be stressful. But you know, there was always an excuse to drink. "i can't stop now christmas is coming" or "i can't quit now theres that big party coming up" etc etc.... but i am all out of excuses.
                    But i have the munchies like crazy.. LOL
                    AF since Sept 2013...


                      Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

                      But you know, there was always an excuse to drink. "i can't stop now christmas is coming" or "i can't quit now theres that big party coming up" etc etc.... but i am all out of excuses.
                      I think thats what made me finally realize that I needed to quit now. There are always reasons we give our selves why we need to drink or why we can't quit now. The excuses got me nowhere but stuck in a downward depressing cycle of drinking. So far I don't spend anywhere near the time thinking about not drinking that I did thinking about and planning for drinking.

                      As far as the In Laws, I find when I am not drinking I do not like being around drinkers because I don't like how they behave when they drink. Can you put a time limit on how long you will be there?

                      Hey Stashia - love the bear - maybe you can teach me how to do that too? Congrats on Day 24 today! Have a great weekend too!

                      You GO Red!! Your energy is contagious

                      Thanks DG - I totally admire you and read your posts all the time! I am feeling so positive about this and I am soo excited for the changes to take place in my life after being stagnant for over 8 years. I am looking at this as an opportunity to make myself and my life into whatever I desire - create a new me. I feel like I am rebuilding myself from the ground up and I get to decide what I want the finished product to look like.

                      Have a great weekend everyone!
                      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                        Arghh - 2 Days AF Finally

                        Great going red glad your keeping it up!!!go to go to searh images write in what you are looking for when pics pop up put curser on selected pic and four bars will pop up below it click on the img code it will copy it go to the message board here and right click the mouse where you want to post it and paste!!

