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When do you start feeling good

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    When do you start feeling good

    Hi... I am on day 13 and I am not feeling as good as I thought I would. I don't look as good as I thought I would and I am coming down from the high I got by being proud of myself. Honestly just having yucky day.. I thought I would feel better by now...
    What is this?

    When do you start feeling good

    Having yukky days is normal for everyone... only difference now, you're having to deal ith it instead of numbing it with AL. Unfortunatly, we all come down of that high of not drinking as we fit into everyday life and it all becomes normal. As for looks, its amazing how AL can damage them... just remember how long youve out your body through this abuse.. it can take a while for your body to heal. Hopefully when you hit 30 days you'll start seeing and feeling the benifits!
    Well done on 13 days! You are doing GREAT!!!


      When do you start feeling good

      Hey Shiner

      I read a quote yesterday that said, "Sure, I still get bad days, but that's ok...I used to have bad years". If you've been drinking for a long time, I bet you've had a few bad years in there - does it make the bad day feel more manageable?

      I was the same as you in the beginning. I thought I'd be quickly transformed into a healthy looking person but in fact I got a bad skin breakout and in some ways thought I looked worse. It is disheartening but I try to remind myself that a lot of the damage was on the inside (not being able to see it didn't mean it wasn;t there, in the same way that now I still can't see the improvements but I know they are there).

      I also think that we don't know how we are changing because we are so used to seeing ourselves every day. Have you thought of making a physical record of changes? I mean, taking a photo of yourself once a week or taking your measurements so you can see that you've lost weight etc. Since I quit, I've had other people tell me I look better/beautiful/different/happy and they weren't things I could necessarily see in myself.

      On a previous occasion when I quit for 10 weeks I had to get a new gym pass during that time. The difference in my appearance was striking - no puffiness and redness...but until I saw the two photos side by side, I wasn't able to see that changes were taking place.

      Hang in there and keep feeling proud of yourself. It's a strong motivator.


        When do you start feeling good

        Hi shiner,

        Everyone is different the body and mind can take sometime, for me on my not so good days i rested and toook care of me and on my good days i made the most of it......But if you dont feel too sure about how you are feeling and you feel unwell in yourself maybe you should make that appoinment with your GP doctor....
        Well done on 13days AF and hope you are feeling better soon ! x
        p.s try and eat as well and drink plent of water.:l
        Formerly known as Teardrop:l
        sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
        my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


          When do you start feeling good

          Hi shiner! It can take a while I've been (nearly! Couple of short lived cock ups) sober 4 16 months and it's only in the last couple of months my skin cleared up -- but things generally just keep improving! I remember having a dodgy time round 3 weeks and round 3 months as well -- keep it up IT IS WORTH IT!!!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            When do you start feeling good

            Hi shiner, for me personally it took about 3 weeks before I started noticing the difference in my Body & mind,At the start I thought it would just happen and weight and skin would just miraculously start to get better but unfortunately it wasn't like that,So I changed my whole diet and started doing small exercises,walking,swimming etc and slowly I started to take shape,Keep at it as the little things you do will turn into much better & bigger things for your mind & body.

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              When do you start feeling good

              Hi Shiner, Lot's of good input here! We all expect all of the positive changes in our lives to be "Instant", for life to be Bliss and to feel great every day. But, we forget that we have been seriously abusing our bodies, and masking our emotions and feelings for years! So, be patient as you learn to live in the real world "unmasked". Develope new coping skills, with exercise, proper diet and exercise, exercise, and a positive "I Can DO It" attitude! Do something proactive for mind, body and spirit, very day!

              Best Wishes,
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                When do you start feeling good

                Shiner, it's toughn going at first. You've gotten advice from some of the best. Why do you think we call it 'work' on ourselves ? Even without a problem, we have good and bad days.
                Today, I'm dealing with my dramatic, feeling entitled, 17-yr-old granddaughter. The drama never stops, even if we don't particpate in it. But its LIFE, and the happiness, wellness, of my family comes first. And without AL, its SO much easier, happier. I've had feelings, emotions, experiences insight, the last 3 years I'd forgotten. It DOES get better. Our lives get better, when we come back to life. As for me, when I was drinking (OK, drunk) I was dead inside. I don't know that anyone has ever said that, but that came to me when I was thinking about your post. I was dead. And now, however painful each day is, I FEEL them. And I learn from them, it becomes part of my memories, and as hard as it is, it's how we should live.
                I wish you the best. It's not easy, I know. If I can do anything for you, please post, e-mail, PM. I don't have the answers. But I have a caring heart, and want to help.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  When do you start feeling good

                  Thanks everyone... I guess today is just one of those down days. I didnt go to the gym this morning so that didnt help. I will be better.. Because I do want it so bad and this is the longest I have gone without alcohol. It will be better.. Thanks again...


                    When do you start feeling good

                    Howya Shiner, It definitely will get better.
                    You will have more of these days, but you will have much more great days.
                    Its a really brilliant thing you are doing, and I know it is hard work at times, but it is so worth it.
                    I am now 78 days AF and I have never felt better, but it can be tough occasionally.
                    If you can through these tricky times, it will all be good.

                    All the Best
                    Damo in Dublin
                    Still trying !!!
                    AF 25th June2014


                      When do you start feeling good

                      Hey Shiner, I read your post with a lump in my throat, I too yesterday was day 13 AL free (Day 14 today) and felt exactly the same as you.

                      Didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't want to work, just wanted to be on my own. I am suffering from insomnia aswell and just wondering when the hell its going to get better because at the moment, this is so hard!

                      Stick with it mate, we are both on the same amount of days, lets not crack now, push on, its going to get better I truly believe it, keep your head up!


                        When do you start feeling good

                        Shiner hope you are a bit perkier today :l stick at it as it cant get worse it can only get better keep strong and look after you!!


                          When do you start feeling good

                          Nailz 13 days is awsome so get back up there and be doubly proud of yourself once more :goodjob: keep posting your doing great!! the sleep will come


                            When do you start feeling good

                            Hi Nailz and Stashia..

                            Today is a bit better... Went to gym.. But I have had a killer headache for 3 days now.. I didnt have tht before. I drink lots of water and have a little sweets... So I dont know.. I still look blah bleck... Lol... But I did lose a little over a pound in the last week.. That is good. Im hanging in there because I sure dont want to have to crawl back out.. Good for you Nailz.. We are going to be F-I-N-E....

                            Thanks everyone for your comments.. It helps so much.



                              When do you start feeling good

                              Shiner..I am so happy for you that you have made it AF 13 days! I am sure you are more beautiful and healthy than you even realize. Is the sleep getting better? Mine is but it still is not as good as I'd like it to be.

                              Hang in are doing GREAT!!!

