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Kanga - In the Beginning.......

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    Kanga - In the Beginning.......

    I was digging around tonight....

    Found the first threads by Kanga. It was the middle of May this year. His original post name was "TieMeKangarooDownSport". Phew, what a handle, and ALWAYS made that song stick in my head all bloody day.
    His first post was much like ours usually are: where to get the book, cd's etc. and admitting to "lurking" for a few months prior - which most of us do too.

    Below is a cut and paste of his second post - dated May 18, 2006:

    A few wise words from Emerson .....
    Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
    And .......
    That which we persist in doing becomes easier - not that the nature of the task has changed, but our ability to do has increased.

    Allie responded first. She said she would like to cut and paste it on to her computer and I'll bet many of us did.

    It was the first of many Kanga-isms that made us want to cut and paste and laugh and giggle and bring out our thesaurus and write and write and write and write. And - to think.

    Yup, my friend. You are up my nose and that damn song is running through my head.

    And bless you for that.


    Kanga - In the Beginning.......

    I am so cyber-grieving, do we have a cyber counselor? RJ you are doing a good job so far! No seriously, your posts (RJ) have been very insightful and helpful. To me anyway. Thank you.

    Thanks Helen, RJ, and all of you. :h
    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


      Kanga - In the Beginning.......


      "Fair dinkum" was one of my favorites


        Kanga - In the Beginning.......

        Oh my goodness! -- I remember that and I did copy that quote and made a little poster of it & put it in my office -- I forgot that it had come from Kanga. WOW.!

        Thanks Helen

        I also remember that he suddenly went away for a few weeks and there was a lot of buzz about that. He was probably away doing his service duty. And then he all of a sudden appeared again -- happy & upbeat as ever -- and as if we had not made this fuss over him


          Kanga - In the Beginning.......

          Hated to see anyone miss out on their favourite....


