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Army thread Friday 25th March

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    Army thread Friday 25th March

    Evening all. Hope all is well. Cant staytoo long as have my chicken over and want to spend as much time with her as I can.
    Had my first 'drinking thought' today. I was in town doing some chores, walked past a beer garden, smelt that stale beer and cig smoke and the urge for an ice cold pint just hit me. Walked on to the nearest shop, bought some skittles, went to the coffee shop where my gf works, read the paper and was fine. But that was my first urge as such in 3 weeks. When Erin goes to bed tnt, im going to look a bit deeper into it and why it happened, so I can deal with it. No big deal. All part of 'growing up'
    Hope u all have a fantastic Fri night. Sorry I couldnt read back to see what your all doing!
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Army thread Friday 25th March

      Good night Army from one tartymario :-) See you all in the morning.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Army thread Friday 25th March

        JackieClaire;1084297 wrote: Yo Mrs A,

        Are you having to spend the weekend up in Scotland?
        Yo back JC
        Yes weekend in Scotland. I am hoping Gretna will be as tacky as we are all expecting. Should be fun.:H
        Hi everyone off to bed soon been up since before 5 and am tired and full of cold etc.


          Army thread Friday 25th March

          Evenin Army - tired and knackered and very boring here, so just a hi and bye!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Army thread Friday 25th March

            Nighters Mario,

            Haven't been up there for ages and only had quick peep and then carried on.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army thread Friday 25th March

              Evening all - seems everyone is enjoying there Friday night elsewhere - HOW VERY DARE THEY!
              If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                Army thread Friday 25th March

                Hello Troopers!!!

                Just got back a while ago from a very busy day. It's a national holiday here and there were a lot of things happening - military and student parades and such. Mr. Stirly and I went to Athens to see the parades and then back here for lunch at a seafood "taverna". The traditional meal today is batter-fried cod with scordalia, which is a potato-garlic dip and beetroot salad. We enjoyed a delicious meal and met up with some friends who invited us to their home for late afternoon coffee and pastries. We ended up watching a movie and just got back a short time ago. The weather was fantastic - warm and sunny but with a light breeze. All in all, a perfect day. Then I log in to MWO and what do I see....dogger and puppy pics. Fellow Troopers, you have done yourselves proud!!!
                stashia;1083966 wrote: Aren't you proud of me stirly!! JC this is paddy pooch! sorry poor paddy still grey around the mouth photo shop has done a bunk!! Stashia dear, good for you. You've learned your lessons very well and have earned a gold star for your efforts. Paddy Pooch is very handsome indeed.
                JackieClaire;1083975 wrote: Yoooooooooo hoooooooooooo Cassia,

                That took some doing.

                Jackie, best picture you've posted yet of Bess. Love that you've got the flowers in the picture.
                EnglishWriter77;1083984 wrote:

                I did the picture button which doesn't seem to work - anyhow ta muchly to you and Orchid Tart. I love how 'her way is much better' OMG, aren't they just the most adorable puppies ever? Monkey is the cutest of the bunch...

                (P.S. I said my way was much easier, EW, not better.)
                EnglishWriter77;1084025 wrote: I agree - I think fundamentally us addictives are good people. I always have a chat with the tramps, give them what I can and often a smoke or two. I think deep down that may be cos I have been worried about ending up there myself partly
                We addicts are defo good people and have a tendency to try to do what we can to help those in need. Just as you said, deep down we know that it could have been us...
                cymru;1084028 wrote:
                Fell down my stairs pissed and broke my wrist. Clever boy ay? Though if its mentioned on FB, I did it playing footie!!!
                We'll never tell your secret, but I hope that was the last time that AL tripped you up...
                stashia;1084034 wrote:
                I know what you mean think we need to take a bit of time and look after ourselves! Wheres stirly??
                Here I am. I just had a busy day. And after I finish this multi-quote post, I'm going to walk my dogger and then crash.
                expat3;1084042 wrote:
                Hello everyone! I'm back. Thank you all for your kind words and support:l. I came on here right before leaving for the meeting--and I really did feel like I had you lot with me:H.And now back home and getting to see all these great pup pics is definitely a picker upper feeling good kind of mood helper, haha! Yeppers, we do love our dogs in the Army-and cats too of course!
                Ex-Patty, I'm interested to know what they said to you. Are they giving you the kind of support you need. Will your son get the proper kind of teaching that will enable him to learn? Children need to be challenged, but in the proper way according to their individual capabilities. That is the problem with most of the educational programmes. They don't take the individual child into perspective. They tend to lump them all together.
                tiptronic_ct;1084156 wrote:

                I am about to light the fire - Namibian camelthorn wood gives you the best coals.You're absolutely right there Tips. I've got a good supply of that ready for when Mr. Stirly decides to learn how to BBQ.

                tiptronic_ct;1084166 wrote: Stop that dirty talk!!!! Right now!

                You're not shit. You're just in a shit place, and need to focus on how to get out of there.Kitty, ditto to what the others said. Focus on the positive. You can get yourself into a better place if you want to. You need to believe that and to believe that you deserve it. Leave the past behind and don't pay attention to the negative people from your past. Each day is a new beginning. Take hold of it and do what you can, one day at a time, one step at a time, to improve your life. Start by loving yourself for who you are. And feck the others.
                anon;1084174 wrote: Very quick post busy, busy been up since before 5am.
                Done my 15/16 mile run got the hair done sorted all the kids out. Phew

                Have not time to read back much but just wanted to say hello and let you know there are no drinking thoughts for Mrs A.

                Will read back after a bit of a kip and packing the car with wedding dresses etc.
                Best of luck with the wedding Mrs. A. We'll be waiting for pictures...

                InChains;1084235 wrote:
                won't be on til late tonight but couldn't wait to tell people I now have a job interview to match my college interview! hoping both go well - a fresh start seems like the perfect thing to me right about now
                Good luck on the job interview. Keep us posted.
                mario;1084264 wrote:
                Yep i am good,
                Sons birthday tomorrow he will be 19, yikes
                Yikes for 19 years old?? YIKES!!!??? What am I supposed to say when my older son will be 34 next month and younger son turned 31 last November. Yikes, my butt...

                Troopers, am off to walk my doggie and then to plead with the Sleep Fairy. Wishing each and every one of you peaceful dreams. Tomorrowz...
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Army thread Friday 25th March

                  Hey Stirls,

                  I was only pulling your plonk, but glad you liked the puppy pic! Yes Monkey was/is the cutest - that's why I just had to have him. I have another pic somewhere of when I first picked him up - and he put two puppy poo pawprints on my nice white baseball tee - I like to think that was his way of 'picking me' too.

                  If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                    Army thread Friday 25th March

                    Stirly, your day sounded just lovely. And as for age and children I was (am) an older mum for my son and I think these days it just does not matter! I have 7 yrs between my son and daughter. And Mario!!! 19 is still a baby these days! We have a little friend of my daughter's sleeping over tonight. It was a last moment kind of decision--"Mum, can ---sleep over" I am just happy that I'm sober and can say what the hell why not. And then make pizza and mousse au chocolat for all of us. And go to bed feeling safe and happy--even though I'm broke and have a few worries. It's spring and there is a HUGE thrift store thingy going on tomorrow. I just love thrift stores:h. We live in a very posh area (western suburbs of Paris)--we are not posh!! But just love getting deals on what the rich people want to get rid of!!! Back in the morning-Have a good night all xxx


                      Army thread Friday 25th March

                      xpost English. I think Monkey was the cutest too! nighters


                        Army thread Friday 25th March

                        I would have taken them all if I could!

                        Glad you're having a good night Expat. My Mum used to go nuts when we said "Can XXX stay over please?" But that's because usually XXX was stood next to me and she couldn't say no! Poor Mummy

                        If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                          Army thread Friday 25th March

                          EnglishWriter77;1084329 wrote: Hey Stirls,

                          I was only pulling your plonk, but glad you liked the puppy pic! Yes Monkey was/is the cutest - that's why I just had to have him. I have another pic somewhere of when I first picked him up - and he put two puppy poo pawprints on my nice white baseball tee - I like to think that was his way of 'picking me' too.

                          EW i didnt realise monkey was in among the adorable puppies!! which one??


                            Army thread Friday 25th March

                            Thanks miss teacher stirly x wow youve been busy!! and then some!! youve done a days posting in a flash inbetween coming home and then doggie walking Super girly stirly!!


                              Army thread Friday 25th March

                              He's the little Monkey on the left with the blue collar - look at his little snuggly face!

                              If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                                Army thread Friday 25th March

                                evening again everybody
                                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


