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OK - I think I've got it worked out.

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    OK - I think I've got it worked out.

    Sorry to start a new thread, but I don't quite know where else to post this.

    A messsage from a "real" friend of the K's said "You know, the Kanga talked about "his Tawn" as if you wre the most invincible woman on earth". ... So, I'm taking my cue from that.

    I love the idea of the 1st of the month being an AF "Kanga Day". This can go on forever. However, for our immediate need for some closure, it was suggested we all meet. It really doesn't matter whether we met in Chat or just spend some personal, reflective time wherever we may be.

    Here's the times

    Friday 11am Oz time translates to
    Friday 8am Hong Kong
    Thursday 7pm Toronto
    Thursday 7pm New York
    Thursday 4pm Los Angeles
    Thursday 3pm Anchorage
    Thursday midnight London - sorry Macks

    (So hope I've got that right)

    One other thing I need to say. The Kanga would be devastated if he saw us upset. His mission, always, was to make us laugh. Let us not mourn his passing. Let us celebrate his Life and thank him for the joy he brought to this Community.

    So, Kanga ... Invincible, eh? Hold onto your bloody hat! You ain't seen nothing yet. If you listen carefully on on a really quiet night, you're guaranteed to hear me roar. I won't let you down. And nor will anybody else whose life you've touched.

    OK - I think I've got it worked out.

    Oh Tawny - You are a pillar of strength and I can see why the Kanga was so drawn to you. And you are right - he hears us. But he hears you in a very special way. You have done him proud as well as the rest of us -- grace and elegance -- that is you. :h



      OK - I think I've got it worked out.

      Okay. So tomorrow, 6 pm Dallas. I'm there. I'll be the one with the orchid.


        OK - I think I've got it worked out.

        Many thanks for the time translation...see you there with love in my heart.


          OK - I think I've got it worked out.

          I'll be there!!

          Hi Tawny,

          I will join up with my New York Friends tomorrow evening. In the interim, I will try to do something very kind for another (and will continue to do so each first Friday). Hugs to Pink for keeping us abreast and sorry for her pain, as well.



            OK - I think I've got it worked out.

            Tippin my hat. :h
            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


              OK - I think I've got it worked out.

              A One Frog Roo

              Tawnyfrog, it is of no wonder why that man described himself as A One Frog Roo!

              You take what he gave you and, as the "dangerously handsome and witty bloke" once said, "utilise it".


                OK - I think I've got it worked out.

                Thanks, Tawny. I will be spending quiet, reflective time thinking and writing tonight at 7:00 P.M. Eastern Time, about the Kanga and how this war and cyber space have pulled so many loving hearts together. We need each other's support, now and always. And let's never forget to lighten each other's days as Kanga did with some laughter or witty remark. Em


                  OK - I think I've got it worked out.

                  7:00 PM in Pittsburgh, I'll be there, in his honor! You are truely amazing, Madam Frog!
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    OK - I think I've got it worked out.

                    I won't be able to make it until about 8:30 pm EST because of work, but if you are all still here, I'll be signing on. Thank you for putting the thought into this, Tawny. I hope the Kanga will cut me some slack if I cry a little. I'll be brave soon. You, however, are doing him quite proud.
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      OK - I think I've got it worked out.

                      I'll be there
                      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                        OK - I think I've got it worked out.

                        I have to work, so I won't be able to be there.

                        I want you all to know that I will be thinking about you!

                        I'm sending my love:h

                        Hold on to each other and know that "TheKanga" would be proud!
                        :h :h :h :h


                          OK - I think I've got it worked out.

                          Count me in. I will also be celebrating that Lizzie is banned and cannot enter chat.


                            OK - I think I've got it worked out.

                            Good ta see ya Tawny!! I hope to make it if not I'll certainly be there in spirit. I agree TheKanga wouldn't want his Tawn, Sheilas and Roos being sad.

                            Think I'll go look for the lyrics to Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport and even if I can't sing, I'm singing so hold your ears. (I used to have the 45.)



                              OK - I think I've got it worked out.

                              I will try to be there too - i might be late but i will do my own reflection at the designated time. I love you all.
                              Tawny - you touched my soul, again, with your post. You have done us all - and especially Kanga - proud.
                              I tip my hat to you!
                              Over 4 months AF :h

