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    Who all takes antibuse here? Can you tell me if it has worked for you long term. Do you have side effects? Can you use sinus meds or mouthwash while taking it?

    I am considering taking antibuse but went online to order it and read some of the issues with it and now I'm scared. . .that's what the Internet is good for tho right. . .worst case scenarios and all. I would love to here from anyone who is taking it how it works for them and how long they have been taking it.

    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


    Hi Jenny

    I toook antibuse a few years back when it was of the few things out there ,just made me feel ill. To be honest I dont know much about it now as there seems to be a lot more meds about to help with al. Can I ask what your main goal of taking antibuse is ? as if you look on the meds section there is a lot out there that other memebers are having good results with .





      Here is a link to the Antabuse Thread. It has a lot of good information. I don't know if I inserted this link correctly - if not you should be able to find it in a search. The thread was created by Cinders.

      Good luck!!
      God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...



        Hi Jenny. One name that comes to mind is Determinator on the AF Daily thread. I believe he has used Antabuse extensively for a tool in his sobriety. I bet if you sent him a PM he would be happy to share his experiences with you.

        Never give up!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.



          Hi Jenny,
          I started Antabuse March 23.. and like you i was terrified. I stared at the bottle for 1 month. But after reading all the messages on MWO, the antabuse thread, I decided i would give it a try. I waited till 48 hours after my last drink just in case and took my pill last Wednesday morning. Its is just fine. no side effects (SE's) at all. I take it everyday but i switched to evenings B4 bed jsut in case it made me tired. I take 250mg.
          As soon as I took the first pill it was like a light switch went off. I can't drink so i don't waste alot of time thinking about it. It pops up in my mind every so often and i dismiss it. Thats it. Its only been 9 days but i plan on trying to make this permanent.

          I don't use mouthwash, and i am really careful with BBQ sauce etc. The other night i poured BBQ sauce on my plate only to notice it was Guiness Beer BBQ sauce.... Yikes that was a close one.
          I eat vinegar and salad dressing with no SE's. I have used cleaners with no SE's.

          I plan on dying my hair so i will let you know. Really, truly I feel your hesitation and I was there. the first pill is the hardest, I was worried about anxiety after I took the pill, thinking "what have I done, now i can't drink for 2 weeks" but it didn't happen.

          AF since Sept 2013...

