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    Mario, I only just saw this.

    Can I just thank you for being supremely honest - this is one of the things that will keep us sober and also helps other people who are struggling tremendously.

    I have experience of both the accidental relapse where you don't know how you started again and the 'planned' relapse. Neither of these has ever provided any solutions nor made things better. We are not the drinkers we were.

    I am so glad you didn't pick up and that you shared your strength with us.

    I hope things get easier for you soon - but if they don't for a while, you DO have the strength to get through it. And now you know you do, even if it is a day at a time.

    K x
    Recovery Coaching website

    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

    Recovery Videos



      :l mario, Thank you for sharing your experience, strength and hope. This will make you stronger of being aware of your own feelings.
      Please Take good care of you and keep safe! x
      Formerly known as Teardrop:l
      sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
      my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !



        Mario, thank you for sharing this with us. I really does help, when we get reminded - often - of how easy it would be to slip. And also, you are so right in saying that you, and I, would slip right back into being the people we don't want to be.
        You continue to be a great role model and inspiration for us.
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



          just readthis after 2 years you nearly relapsed do u take anything for the cravings,meds aa anything is there hope for any of us



            Hello Mario,

            This is a great reminder to everyone on this journey that no matter how confident we get it's important to remember at the end of the day that AL is just not an option in our lives anymore.

            Congratulations on staying vigilant. In my reading and personal experience with an Alcoholic father, I know that people can relapse after many years of sobriety. I think the false impression is that it will just be for a short period and then they will go back to AF -- but in many of the cases it leads to years more of drinking. Good job on staying vigilant and good job to your partner for helping you through this.



              can i post anywere on this forum or do i have to stay in cetain parts



                I didnt see this yesterday Mario sorry. I am so glad you didnt, You are one of the many people on this forum that inspire me greatly. xxx



                  lost & found;1089486 wrote: just read this after 2 years you nearly relapsed do u take anything for the cravings,meds aa anything is there hope for any of us
                  Welcome to mwo Lost & found this is a great place with lots of support & advice,what happened to me was i went through a very personal emotional few weeks in my life and the thoughts of drinking came back in waves as if that would solve anything,I did not touch a drop and am very happy and glad that i did not,Re meds & AA i personally did not do them but i would never rule any of them out for anybody,its down to what works for you,for some people here its AA for others its meds & for others like me they just stop,There is no right way or wrong way to beat this monster, once you are beating it that's what counts,There is always hope many people here have beaten it so can you.:good job:

                  lost & found;1089495 wrote:
                  can i post anywhere on this forum or do i have to stay in certain parts
                  Post anywhere you want but if you dont mind me saying a good place to start would be the newbies nest, goodluck and keep posting your thoughts and sharing your feelings you are not alone.

                  Thanks to everyone for your continued support.

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    NERALY WENT BACK DRINKING

                    Thanks for being so honest my friend. I am sorry for the pain you are going thru, and I SOOO glad you didn;t drink....
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      NERALY WENT BACK DRINKING

                      Thank you for sharing had a choice...and you chose sobriety. The hurt and heartache will pass...keep well.


                        NERALY WENT BACK DRINKING

                        It's scary...where did you get the strenght from?


                          NERALY WENT BACK DRINKING

                          I talked about all the pros and cons of going back drinking, did i really want to go back to a horrible place where all i had in my life was the hangovers,guilt of stupid actions,and mentally and financially broke or did i want to stay healthy,happy and still moving forward with pride & conviction in what i want to do, So the answer was simple really and the strenght came from that..

                          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                            NERALY WENT BACK DRINKING

                            Thanks for your honesty... after 9 months of sobriety.. a big move and isolating I too have had a huge come back of cravings which scared me.. I rationalized that i could just go out for a little time.. no harm done.. what a lie that is..t I sat down and wrote out all the reasons I stopped drinking again and that helped me at least for that day.. with your story after 2.5 years , it really is one day at a time. How we want to escape the feelings.
                            May our choices today not result in regret, but rather be wise


                              NERALY WENT BACK DRINKING

                              mario;1087971 wrote: Hi everyone just thought I would share this, The last 5 weeks I have gone through a very tough time, Had an awful amount of emotional hurt & angry feelings to deal with (some of you know what it was) and it really brought me down, it brought me so down that I nearly went back drinking,I actually had it planed out and ready to go on a binge for a week and then to stop and start all over again Just to drown my sorrows and self pity. In my head I was justifying that a week drinking would solve all my internally issues and heartache, I have never came so close to drinking before and it was only with talking it out with my partner that I decided that it was a ridiculous idea and would only bring me back to the old sorry person that I once was and loose everything that I have gained, Even though I am 2 and halfish years alcohol free I no now how easy it is that the power thought of alcohol can easily still come into our minds especially when we feel so vulnerable, We are always just one drink away from falling back into that horrible life, I feel & hope that I have overcome this urge to drink and with reading posts & threads here and talking to all my friends & family I am now getting back my old self confidence, Thanks.Mario, first of all, I want to say thank you for having the courage and honesty to share your experience with us. Just as you shared with some of us a very difficult time that you went through recently. Something that many people would have found crippling emotionally, but you worked your way through it and pushed ahead on your journey of sobriety.
                              I have just carefully re-read the answers and I have to say that what has been posted by the other members so far has pretty much covered anything that I would have said. However, I do want to highlight a few of the comments that really stood out for me.
                              Chillgirl;1087981 wrote: Mario - Thanks be to God you didnt carry this through.

                              By drinking you would have given your power away. The very power which has allowed you to deal with life again and whatever you go through, you are in control now and dont EVER loose sight of that. Only from your sobriety have you been able to face the demons you have and you would have been devasted to let AL win yet again. That carefully planned binge would have opened the floodgates and who knows what would have happened.

                              Im so glad you have such an amazing supportive partner and even more glad you listened to her. Please know that had you confided your intentions here, there would have been a zillion of us talking you out of it, including myself. Remember why we are all here, it may be 2+ years Mario but we have to be vigilant always. Im sending you my BIGGEST :l and hope to give you it in person very soon.
                              I like the way Chill said that - about giving your power away. The power that has helped you win this battle and the same power that helped you not give in to those cravings. We all have that power in us. That is the most important message that you have given us and continue to give us every day. That the power to beat this addiction is inside of us. That is important to all of us here, no matter what point of our journey we are at. We all have the power to get and stay sober.
                              one2many;1087983 wrote:

                              What a truly honest post and one that reminds us that the fire may not be blazing but there will always be embers gently glowing that will ignite with just a wisp of a breeze.

                              A lesson here for everyone...

                              Thank so much Mario, I tend to sometimes think I am cured and will never drink again, posts like this remind me to be forever on my guard. xxkquote>It's true. The addiction never leaves us, no matter what method we use to get and stay sober, whether it be meds or AA, or a similar programme, or our own inner strength and conviction. We will always have to be on guard. There is no "cure" for addiction, there is only finding our own way to stay sober.
                              Zenstyle;1088065 wrote: MarioTart... First off you are very lucky to have such a supportive and understanding partner and I'm so glad you put a ring on that one!!! ) On a more serious note, I think its great the way you've learned to deal with your feelings and emotions. You can see things for what they are. Its often hard for men to be able to relate to their emotions and you seem to have evolved to that place where you can define what you're feeling and act accordingly, and that is no mean feat. Actually, us chicks have a hard time with that too, and we're supposed to be the empathetic ones.

                              You're a helluva guy Mario... and all the heartache you've been dealing with is going to stand you in good stead in the future... its making you stronger.

                              Said it before... so glad to have you as a friend! xxxDitto to what Zennie said on dealing with your feelings and emotions and getting them out in the open and acting on them. I think most boys are raised to hide their emotions to a certain extent so as to seem more "manly" and then later in life, find it very difficult to express their emotions and perhaps even to recognizing them. You seem to have gotten to the point that you can do both and that is one of the reasons that you are still sober and didn't cave in. And it will continue to be a very strong tool for you in the future, should you need it again.
                              theshark;1088107 wrote: i always thought by reading all your posts you where one of our strongest members and someone to look up to and admire,your actions only re iterate my thoughts well done mateDitto to what The Shark said. You have once again shown us your strength and determination and continue to inspire all of us here.
                              autumn;1088357 wrote: Mario,

                              I am so very sorry to hear that life has been dealing you a rotten time at the mo. I hope that everything will right its self real soon. As a newbie, you have been such a tower of inspiration. To be reminded that even so far into our sobriety the wobbles can strike, really puts this journey into perspective.

                              As I am facing my own wobble right now, I cant even begin to thank you for your strength and courage in posting, as it has helped me immensely not to go on a 'black it out binge'

                              Thank you, and sending you :l
                              The inspiration I was talking about. Your strong presence and determination help people every day.
                              mario;1089941 wrote:
                              I talked about all the pros and cons of going back drinking, did i really want to go back to a horrible place where all i had in my life was the hangovers,guilt of stupid actions,and mentally
                              and financially broke or did i want to stay healthy, happy and still moving forward with pride & conviction in what i want to do, So the answer was simple really and the strength came from that..
                              Being mentally broke. That's what AL does to us. Robs us of ourselves and our emotions.

                              Again, thank you Mario for having the courage to share your experience with us. And thank you for always being here for all of us with your quiet strength and support.

                              And thank you for considering me your friend. It is indeed an honour.

                              Stirly :heart:
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                NERALY WENT BACK DRINKING


                                I always look forward to your posts and this has to be one of your best! Thank you for being so totally honest - in doing that you have most likely helped a lot of other people who had the same thoughts as you.

                                It is unfortunately for a lot of us, a good reminder to never let our guard down.
                                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

