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Why don't people register

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    Why don't people register

    I have a couple of theories. Some people come on and are afraid to register - they don't want to admit they think they have a problem and don't want to lose their anonymity (sorry about the spelling). Later, they register or move on towards another direction.

    Others bathe themselves in others pains but are too much of a coward to come forward - they just like to cause trouble because it will make you feel better. Others are banned and can't get in any other way. Others just get drunk and strike out at others to cause pain for no apparent reason.

    Whatever the case - stop it!!! There is no excuse for the hurt that you have been causing. Why can't you just let a good man rest in peace. It doesn't matter what real or imaginary battle you have cooked up in your mind. Let it go - you will be so much happier if you do. YOu've made your point - you hate them and you've managed to make them hate you. So. . . what have you won??? Move on!!

    Go someplace where you are wanted. This is not the place. It may have been at another time - you've burned too many bridges. You've scared newbys away and made this a soap opera it doesn't need to be. You have a family who loves you. Get the help you need and stop torchuring us.

    I've said too much, but I can't be silent any more.

    Why don't people register

    I try to usually ignore the negative and ridiculous posts we seem to receive periodically around here mainly because I despise acknowledging negativity and stupidity. But you're right Barb - enough is enough. This is not the time or the place for the type of nonsense we as a loving, caring group (no, family) have been forced to endure. I try not to allow myself to get angry over stupidity but I have definitely had enough!
    Thanks for saying something Barb. Hear hear!
    Over 4 months AF :h


      Why don't people register

      I am new here, what I have not seen th enegative posts you are speaking of here. Can you tell me where to find them just so I know what to stay AWAY FROM in the future


        Why don't people register

        Dan, just remember there is a lot of emotions that run high around here. Just ignore stuff that looks like melodrama - it probably is. Welcome to our family:welcome:


          Why don't people register

          I ignore negative vibes and try not to give the feedback they are looking for. When we were little kids I used to make prank phone calls, you know "got pop in a can, let him out" stuff like that. We got are kicks when someone got bothered by us. Those that hung up where no fun and I think the negative words that are sometimes expressed on these boards, it's the same mentality. If they can make you feel badly or get a response it gives them amusement. It's kind of sad they must be very unhappy people and should focus on the good part of life.


            Why don't people register

            Hi Dan

            Hi Dan


            Barb has a point, but at the same time, we are virtually (no pun intended) powerless to do much about the nasty people in this world who need to strike out and hurt and abuse.

            I read an interesting article today about internet connections. It was about teaching your kids how to be safe on the net. ANOTHER thing to worry about for us parents, but I digress...

            60 per cent of our understanding and absorption in communications comes from BODY LANGUAGE. The other 40 per cent is taken up by TONE OF VOICE and then the ACTUAL WORDS themselves - the former was of more import than the latter.

            Therefore, our form of communication with one another here is tricky, to say the least. I KNOW I may have hurt or offended someone simply because: a.) I REALLY DISLIKE EMOTIONCONS and can't bring myself to use them - and b.) because my humour is often dryer than a popcorn fart and NEEDS to be heard and seen to be funny. And I need to do that to protect myself.....another digression.

            There are some - one of whom I think Barb is alluding to - who are just plain nasty and there is truly not a gosh darn thing we can do about it.

            I just simply skip their posts - yup - just scroll right on through without a second glance and read on.

            As a newbie, however, you might have to read a few here and there before you figure out for yourself what is to be avoided and what is to be absorbed.

            Or, sometimes it helps to read and THANK GOD you are not that far gone......

            Clear as mud?

            Keep with us, Dan.

            This journey is worth every misunderstanding and perceived slight. Those who you get to know well will understand. You will not be sorry in the end.



              Why don't people register

              You're right Helen - normally I just skip the posts and think "poor thing" and think how sad her world must be. Guess my emotions are just a little raw.

              For the reasons you site, I try not to say much because it is often taken out of context. You can't see my body language or hear my tone of voice. You also couldn't see my laughter or tears (joy and sadness) at some of the posts. Most of the time, I bite my lip and move on. However, unregistered intentions (and identity) were pretty clear and I couldn't stand to see people who I have genuinely grow fond of be attacked for whatever reason, or should I say no reason whatsoever.

              By the way, I love dry fart popcorn humor!


                Why don't people register

                By the way, I'm done.


                  Why don't people register

                  I love dry fart popcorn humour too. Helen - lol! That made me laugh so hard!
                  Thanks for that
                  Love Jen
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    Why don't people register

                    FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      Why don't people register


                      What, and here I am with the popper and everything!

                      Kidding aside Barb, even our Kanga man got pi@@ed with that horrible bitch.

                      Short of shooting her, there's not a lot we can do.


                      I was going to delete this, because I can feel a rain of mouse turds coming down right directly, but what the hell.....


                        Why don't people register

                        I will take Helen's mouse turds.


                          Why don't people register

                          taking the turds....

                          Take those turds and build a bloody memorial....

                          Hey! Lucky!

                          Those turds can STAND for something...

                          Those turds can sit on that bloody rock that Tawny and Kate know all about and build something GREAT. Something FABULOUS. Something THAT WE CAN ALL ENJOY!

                          Wadda ya think?


                            Why don't people register

                            Done with the rant - not gone. Temper tantrum over.

                            I'm not going anywhere - you guys are stuff with me.:H (sorry Helen)


                              Why don't people register

                              Shooting is over - humor begins -

                              TURD MEMORIAL UNDER CONSTRUCTION

