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Why don't people register

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    Why don't people register

    so - kay Barb

    What part of the turd memorial do you want to design?


      Why don't people register

      Hey - I'm the brains behind the design. Maybe I can contribute, tho - many say I'm full of ****


        Why don't people register

        hey Barb?

        Quote: "I'm not going anywhere - you guys are stuff with me."

        I REALLY hope you meant "stuck"....


          Why don't people register

          hang on a sec.....

          Excuse me - Fan.....?

          Your words: "Drier than a popcorn fart" is a new phrase I will be using every chance I get. The alternative to dry seems hard to fathom."

          Does COPYWRITE ring a bell with you?

          Just a point.

          And of course, just kidding. Nudge nudge wink wink.

          Probably best I'm not at the funeral. Never can be serious when my heart is breaking....

          OH SWEET JESUS - I miss our Bouncy Boy.

          Come on Gang. Let's get silly in his honour and build this fusking memorial with all the turds we've got.



            Why don't people register

            Me too

            I never do this. But in the spirit of the day...I wanna play. So here goes:

            My gang, my god, they endure!
            With hearts, so clean and so pure.
            Now erecting a shrine
            So stinky and fine
            It could only be made of manure.


            That was fun.

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              Why don't people register

              Stuck - stuck - stuck - I will write it 1,000 times. I can't type and talk on the phone at the same time. Time to take my topa.


                Why don't people register


                Could not have said it better myself.



                  Why don't people register

                  I am feeling a bit out of the loop
                  what are we building
                  that is made of poop?
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Why don't people register

                    I'm no good at poems but I've found this little gem and tweaked it for the occasion

                    I couldn't send you flowers, and candy wouldn't do.
                    And mushy cards just didn't say the things I want them to.
                    So I got you something special, and here's the inside scoop.
                    I found you something very rare - It's a genuine pile of poop!
                    :h :h :h :h


                      Why don't people register

                      Smarty Pants!

                      Okay Fan -

                      Time to get down to the business at hand---

                      I get to "conceptualize" - (isn't THAT a word, eh?) - the whole schiteree. Tawn gets to shape the objects of interest -" brain and brain" and approve the final product.

                      After that, it's a Sheila thing that morphs into a fitting memorial to our Kanga Man.

                      TAKE THAT TURD AND RUN WITH IT.......

                      But don't lose an eye....

                      and have some fun...because we have to, really, to keep from just giving up..........

                      PS - this does not exclude the fellas who loved The Kanga. Feel free to pick up a turd and place it at will...


                        Why don't people register

                        Oh Helen -- you are too much --- that phrase jumped out at me as well -- too funny --too funny -- you are all too brilliant--
                        like shining stars through the dark night !!!
                        Love to all ~C


                          Why don't people register

                          Don't laugh at me, I am just a dumb Yankee...but what the heck does "a Shelia" mean?


                            Why don't people register

                            I got your "Holy Shit" comment Fan. It truly is a "Holy Shrine", made of pure golden turd, only one in the world, only one of its kind.


                              Why don't people register

                              MonaCat wrote: Don't laugh at me, I am just a dumb Yankee...but what the heck does "a Shelia" mean?
                              Sheila = Female or Woman in Australia

                              Fan, you are always right
                              :h :h :h :h


                                Why don't people register

                                Lush, Imagine, Chrysa and Mona Cat..

                                Hi gang -

                                Here we are - making a mountain of grief
                                It all started with a mouse turd - if you can belief (poetic licence)

                                Read the beginning - it tells such a tale
                                in the light of a love song - "reality" does pale.

                                We are hurting, we are, we are soooo hands-tied
                                but we must honour Kanga - he must know that we tried...

                                to evoke some humour into the news that he died.
                                He must know how we miss him and will til we die.

                                So....on to Turd Mountain! Let us use schit that we get
                                from those who don't get it and those who may yet..

                                In honour of Kanga and Tawny his love.
                                we take all these turds and build a mountain.......

                                of LOVE.

