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Army Thread Saturday 2 April

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    Army Thread Saturday 2 April

    Hi there Reccie, yep, it is called freeing the Inner Child.

    Google Image Result for
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Army Thread Saturday 2 April

      I LOVE Dolph, God just thinking, we had fun in the early days on here didn't we?
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Army Thread Saturday 2 April

        Hi Reccy.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Army Thread Saturday 2 April

          I'm doing fine thank you mario - are you ok? Getting past your drink cravings?

          Thanks oney. Fantastic picture!

          Night cy.


            Army Thread Saturday 2 April

            I love it too Reccs.
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              Army Thread Saturday 2 April

              Friggin internet acting the prick again! My son's friend is missing presumed dead from a fishing boat in Skerries, he was in this evening after walking the coast since 6AM this morning and he's devastated - it is so hard for youngsters to understand mortality
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Army Thread Saturday 2 April

                Awwwhhhhhhhh Molly, God love him, I saw it on the news, horrible. He will need his Mammy xx
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Army Thread Saturday 2 April

                  I'm so sorry to hear that mollyka, a friend of mine was in a car accident not that long ago and for a while we were forced to assume the worst. I'd never lost a friend before and for the few hours where I thought it possible I felt worse than i ever have in my life.
                  I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                  To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                    Army Thread Saturday 2 April

                    Sorry to hear that mollyka, seen it on the news, jesus.

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      Army Thread Saturday 2 April

                      That's sad Molly. Just seen it on the news. Mortality is not easy to comprehend at the best of times.


                        Army Thread Saturday 2 April

                        too right! It's horrible how bloody fleeting life can be. I'm determined to enjoy every day I've left - no more procrastination - TODAY'S THE DAY - wasted far too many of them, but will not take anymore of them for granted.

                        On a 'lighter' note, youngest son announced a couple of days ago that he wanted to bring his girlfriend home - thought it was a sort of 'hi this is my mom and dad' ------- none of it, I went out the back for a smoke, and when I came back in, hubs told me him and the lassie had headed up to the bedroom!! Bugger that!! Hubs said 'what're you going to do' WTF!!!! I rather sweetly told him to knock on the door and tell them to get the f*&k out of there!! He's gone to bed now and they're still there:help!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Army Thread Saturday 2 April

                          I aint gonna wait another day either Molls. xx
                          I would knock and introduce myself and ask if I can get them anything..
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            Army Thread Saturday 2 April

                            Leave it to you molls :-)you could give them contraceptives :-)

                            Goodnight all,

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              Army Thread Saturday 2 April

                              I cannot WAIT to go to bed in my news King size bed with me duck down duvet and pillows and Egyptian cotton sheets..

                              Wob is sleeping upstairs coz he has been drinking..WHOOOHOOOO bed all to myself.
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010


                                Army Thread Saturday 2 April

                                Nighters Marioman xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                                AF 10th May 2010
                                NF 12th May 2010

