Clair - never mind - I checked her profile - it is the 26th March!! Oh - I laughed at you thinking Alcoholics were a waste of time - they are people just like you! we just have a slight problem that we need to overcome. It is a hard road to travel. I don't think 'normal' folk ever really know just how hard it is and how hard it is to overcome - I wish we could all just wave a wand and have it be gone. It isn't that easy, trust me. When people say "just stop", I want to grab them by the throat and say "don't you think I would if I could" !! We don't choose to drink - the drink chooses us and it isn't just will power that we need to stop. some can stop by will power, many can't. anyway I will get off my soap box. I am so pleased that you have come and let us know about Swannie - it will be so good to see her again and have her here with us. Please, please give her our love and hugs. tell her we miss her and have her stop by as soon as she can!!
hugs and love, Sun XXX