Popping in to say hello. The second goose vid was hilarious Ruby. Poor dog-what a pet he is.
Nice pic of Sun and Fen. I would love to post your bike pic for you Sun if that's ok?
Fen hope things get resolved with your Mom soon.:l
Grateful I haven't said hi to you in awhile. Hope you are well.
T had to laugh at your OMG OMG OMG. Maybe she thinks it will be saving her money if you don't take the time to remove and puddy?
Nothing new to report here. I'll know more next week. Hurry up and wait.
A warm welcome to the newbies and hello to all the olbies.
I pm'd Sunshine gg. I know the bond between a horse and loving owner. My daughter would be devastated if she lost her Cutie. Prolly more than me.:upset:
Make a great day! xo