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Husband Wants A Divorce

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    Husband Wants A Divorce

    It really should come as no suprise. I've been boozing it up for 6 years now. I've been married for 10. I've gone the route with having gotten a DUI, admitted to 2 rehabs and having nearly lost my job all due to A. My husband and I have been talking about getting divorced several times the past year. I'm the one who brings the topic up. Today, he did. He wants to move on. He told me this as he was dropping me off at work. Again, it's no surpise, yet it hurt to hear it from him. Has anyone else's marriage ended because of Al?
    September 23, 2011

    Husband Wants A Divorce

    Hi Reenie. I'm very sorry to hear about this. All we have is today Reenie. The very best way to deal with it is to stay sober and just do our best to do the next right thing. Each time you have a thought about drinking and you choose not to is a victory. Each AF day is a victory. Each day facing your situation at work with dignity and calm is a victory. Each time you choose to do something positive for your recovery like post here or go to an AA meeting or call someone in your army is a victory. That is all stuff you can control.

    The rest of it will work itself out whatever way it does in due time. Those little victories will eventually lead you to a good and stable sober life - with or without husband. Who knows what the future holds. It will all be brighter without AL, that's for sure.

    Hang in there Reenie.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Husband Wants A Divorce

      Hi DG, I'm hanging in there. The thought to drink "did" come across me yesterday. I had to "play the tape" in my mind and visualize the outcome. I understand what you mean by doing the "right thing" and the "victories". I appreciate your advice and the reminder. Your posts have really been helping me. I woke up a little while ago. I prayed for another sober day, and thanked G for keeping sober yesterday amongst other things. I believe when people say, "Life get's better", it truly does. Therefore, I'll continue to hang in there and take one day at a time. On day 14. - Thank you -Reenie
      September 23, 2011


        Husband Wants A Divorce


        Reenie;1090127 wrote: It really should come as no suprise. I've been boozing it up for 6 years now. I've been married for 10. I've gone the route with having gotten a DUI, admitted to 2 rehabs and having nearly lost my job all due to A. My husband and I have been talking about getting divorced several times the past year. I'm the one who brings the topic up. Today, he did. He wants to move on. He told me this as he was dropping me off at work. Again, it's no surpise, yet it hurt to hear it from him. Has anyone else's marriage ended because of Al?
        hi reenie, i to am sorry to hear about this,but till death do us part,i will stand by you till the end,has gone to the way side,he has no faults ,he s perfect, i no in my relationship she has endured lots, as some say a hell on earth, not true, we both have faults,you have to fight for what is rite, i am going thro the same with my wife, but i m not leaving her, i wish you well gyco by the way we ve been married 35 years thro thick and thin:thanks:


          Husband Wants A Divorce

          Best of luck Reenie. I am so sorry to hear of your situation. Alcohol seems to destroy everything. Maybe this is a new chapter in your life - use this new start to begin anew maybe. I wish you happiness and strength.
          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            Husband Wants A Divorce

            Gyco;1090439 wrote: hi reenie, i to am sorry to hear about this,but till death do us part,i will stand by you till the end,has gone to the way side,he has no faults ,he s perfect, i no in my relationship she has endured lots, as some say a hell on earth, not true, we both have faults,you have to fight for what is rite, i am going thro the same with my wife, but i m not leaving her, i wish you well gyco by the way we ve been married 35 years thro thick and thin:thanks:
            there is only a few things that bring me out of me cabin wonderful post Gyco You are the best Im sure misses gyco thinks she hitched up with the right guy!!wonderful stuff 35 years Beautiful hope you two stay together!!


              Husband Wants A Divorce

              oh sorry high jacked the thread im a bit rusty..sorry


                Husband Wants A Divorce

                Through sickness and health... till death to us part.... Has certainly come to the wayside. Yet, I can't blame my husband. Enough is enough already. I have put him through hell and back and don't want to hurt him anymore. It is time to take care of me. It's time that I release him so that he can be happy again. I'm trying to look at this as a new chapter in my life. I have to also keep reminding myself, although I am alcoholic, some of my drinking, well, lots of it, had to do with me not being happy in my marriage. We hardly ever fought these past 10 years. If anything there was little to no communication between us these past 5 years. My drinking really kicked in 5 to 6 years ago. I have to remind myself that although my husband is a caring person, he didn't meet my needs. Once my drinking changed, so did our social life. We were never a true couple, meaning best friends and lovers. We were partiers and socialites together. We never formed a true husband and wife bond. We've always been good friends. The past 6 years of my life have been loneliness. I often felt ignored and rejected. I got what I wished for. I drank myself to the point where I tore my life apart not only in my marriage, but with losing my license and nearly losing my job. I'll miss the first 5 years of my marriage, my beautiful home and what was. I pray and am hoepful that a better life for me is ahead. I wish the same for my husband.
                September 23, 2011


                  Husband Wants A Divorce

                  Hi Reenie,
                  Sorry to hear about your divorce. It does sound like you are moving in a more positive direction now. I think it's great that you are looking at it as a new chapter. Think of all the possibilities and there is a better life ahead of you!
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Husband Wants A Divorce

                    Reenie;1090489 wrote: I pray and am hoepful that a better life for me is ahead. I wish the same for my husband.
                    If you keep doing the next right thing Reenie, I'm sure you WILL have a better life ahead. One day at a time.


                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Husband Wants A Divorce

                      made my day

                      Captainjack;1090445 wrote: there is only a few things that bring me out of me cabin wonderful post Gyco You are the best Im sure misses gyco thinks she hitched up with the right guy!!wonderful stuff 35 years Beautiful hope you two stay together!!
                      hi cap i didnt see this till today, i miss you young friend hahahaah,hope your well should i say special or gyco hahahah or just gyco is special hahahah


                        Husband Wants A Divorce



                          Husband Wants A Divorce

                          Hi Reenie, my 12-year marriage is also ending due to my on-again, off-again battle with alcoholism. Like you, I fully understand that this was my own undoing and accept responsibility for the outcome. At this point, there's nothing really left to do except to dry out, pick yourself up and dust yourself off and keep going as best you can. You can only push people so far, even ones that deeply care about you.
                          In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased

