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My tribute to The Kanga

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    My tribute to The Kanga

    I'm not much for words when a fellow human passes on beyond our physical existence. I often reflect and grieve in silence. But I wanted to offer something to the group here that loved him.

    There exists a group of us, who are Flight Simulator enthusiasts. We often compete and compare what we call "screen shots" from our flight sims. It is a form of artwork, that is probably very unique.

    I call this one, "Kanga1". It is a Beech Baron, at about 10,000 foot, climbing out to the west of Melbourne, Australia. It took me a while to get all the settings just right, and the timing of the picture elements.

    I saw that Kanga was in the Air Force, and I am guessing "woop-woop" and "Bourne" was in the outback near Melbourne. So this was timed at sunset, climbing into the sky over the Australian outback.

    Hope you like it. It's my way of saying so long fellow traveler. May you all be well. Neil

    Attached files [img]/converted_files/4727=221-attachment.jpg[/img]

    My tribute to The Kanga

    Well done Neil.


      My tribute to The Kanga


      What a gift.

      Thank you.



        My tribute to The Kanga

        Thank you Neil.

        No words.


          My tribute to The Kanga

 new here. I have been watching how much you all get on together, I would love to be a part of it, but I drint too much, Help


            My tribute to The Kanga

            I don@t want to stop drinking completely, I just want to be like other people, moderation


              My tribute to The Kanga

              Oh utterly a beautiful tribute ...tears flowing again are a sweet soul...I w ill save this I'm sire a lot of us will...we should archive everythign into one thread


                My tribute to The Kanga

                Beautiful neil. Brought me chills.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  My tribute to The Kanga

                  Thanks, Neil, what a loving tribute. The Kanga will forever fly in our hearts.
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    My tribute to The Kanga

                    Thank you, Neil. That's so lovely. We've learned a lot about Kanga and about ourselves as a family this week. As poets, as artists, as adventurers, as lovers. This is an exciting place to be. So caju1996, welcome. Get the book (you can download it). Order the supps. See your doctor. Get the hypno cds. Get on an exercise program. That's how we work. Oh. And I left out the wonderful friendships.

