Cassia: great news about the job, wish you the best of luck with it, and get well soon!
Starty: Super-well done on 1000 days! that is absolutely amazing & inspirational
Cy: well done on the 30 days, n good luck with your mission to get a 0 or 2 on the end of that
Kitty: Happy Birthday, have a good one!
Lots of faces and exclamation marks in that one. Anywho my news for the day before I go get on with more work: Interview for art college went great - the words exceptional and impressive were mentioned more than once! Should find out the result later this week, though if they said that before turning me down I would say thats pretty sadistic of them xD Also waiting on job interview news and should have the result by the end of the week for both so fingers, toes and everything else crossed. Also, I have finally decided on giving up smoking some time soon too, probably when my exams are over in may/june so should be tough but also great to have working lungs again :P
hope everybody is having a great monday and will catch up with you all later