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Armt Thread 5th April

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    Armt Thread 5th April

    ok, Kitty seriously, you're a great person sober but the picture, horrifying as it was, was not aimed as something cruel and I think sober you would realise that. Please, go and sleep, think about it, let us know how you feel tomorrow before you end up burning your bridges ok?
    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



      Armt Thread 5th April

      Kitty - I think that's kind of unfair. We are all worried about you and want you to get off the booze and will do our best to support you. Sometimes part of that is giving you a reality check. You have a choice, drink or not drink. Can you honestly say that if you weren't drinking you would be feeling so bad? X
      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


        Armt Thread 5th April

        I am not even that drunk actually. A few wines.

        All I know is, the support I have seen on this forum. I am there, being honest and I get THAT thrown at me rather than support, that was fucking horrible and yet again shows I shit I am because I havent seen ANYBODY else get that response here,


          Armt Thread 5th April

          Kitty I'm really sorry you were offended. Of course we are here to support you but you need to check in and tell us what's going on with you. Sometimes the best way to deal with a crisis is through humor and there is always humor in the army which shouldn't be taken out of context.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Armt Thread 5th April

            I usually try not to get into these kind of things but what the hell. We are not in Africa. Not everyone in Europe is living easy and just worrying whether they should have a cocktail or not. REALLY. Maybe they are upset because they are unable to pay the rent or buy their kid new shoes. No the kids are not fecking skeletons YET but times are difficult. And this is coming from "normies" too.


              Armt Thread 5th April

              I dont give a shit chill, I am waitig for a taxi to take me to the nearest convienience store so I can get enough wine to get wasted as that is all I am worth.

              There are starving kids in Africa dont ya know?

              I am getting it out then a new forum. What happened here gutted me tonight. I wish you all well xoxoxo


                Armt Thread 5th April

                I'm kind of looking at this thinking maybe we should just all drop the kitty/picture/poverty thing for now, it's not going anywhere. End of the day Kitty, your choice what you do. Zen I know you were acting out of the best intentions, the use of images like that will divide people's opinions and it's just bad luck that Kitty doesn't look at these things the same way you do.
                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Armt Thread 5th April

                  right I'm off for a bit guys, will catch up later when (hopefully) everybody's had time to relax a wee bit. Night all, hope eveyrbody's feeling better soon

                  I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                  To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                    Armt Thread 5th April

                    Come on Zenners calm yourself..... Deep breaths, everyone is allowed their opinion.
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Armt Thread 5th April

                      Zenstyle;1092161 wrote: I will not be held responsible for Kitty going to the offie for booze. And I totally disagree with expat... in the levels of comfort she is way up the food chain. I know we're all worried about losing everything... fecks sakes Chilli, you and I have been creamed by the economy, its not as if I don't understand... but to put my plight on par with someone that dies of hunger... hello!

                      I am majorly annoyed. I didn't mean to be horrid posting that pic... it was supposed to be a wake up call that makes us thankful for what we have, even if its not that much its better than that. It was not meant to be controversial and I apologized as I was posting it.
                      You are of course not responsible for anyone going to the offie Zenners!! Shit! I in no way meant that. But at the same time--things in Europe or "the western world" are not exactly peachy either. If someone wants to think that it's all going on in Africa-and that no child in the UK or wherever is not going to sleep hungry tonight-they are wrong. And I am very thankful-NO! my kids are not hungry. We are lucky in so many ways.


                        Armt Thread 5th April

                        Zenstyle;1092170 wrote: And of course I know there are people starving in the Western world. Oh... never mind... I'm done with this now.
                        Zenny--maybe the picture just struck a cord because we are all afraid -no we will probably not get to that point here in Europe but we are fecking afraid. And it did make me think. I was not at all offended by your picture. I was in Irish Catholic schools all my life and we were told to "help the black babies". I was going to pm you this but it's better here. Kitty-if you are reading this --It was no attack against you! Come on back-we are just sharing.


                          Armt Thread 5th April

                          No you are not responsible Zen, I am the one responsible for me going to the offie for booze. Noone else.

                          I just need a new support forum I think. As I said, I sincerely wish you all well ... I do not and I do not think anybody should have their issues in life confronted with the 'starving kids in Africa' pic. Has anyone else on this forum had that? Really? If I am the first well, provers the POS I am doesnt it?

                          I really wish you all well in this fight against the demon booze. I am off to look for another forum, overall being here has been massively positive and I thank you xoxox


                            Armt Thread 5th April

                            I think as an example of being greatful for what we have Zen the picture made sense but int he context, Kitty (sorry to refer to you in the third person) has issue of self hate, right now by the sounds of things she's not feeling deserving fo what she does have, being reminded of the children who don't have as much as we do just wasn't in the right context. Nobody's fault, at the end of the day
                            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                              Armt Thread 5th April

                              Like I said..I go away for 5 minutes...

                              Kitty, with respect Zenners was just trying to put some context into OUR collective problem - it was not aimed at you but a reminder for us all that while this disease is VERY tough, we need to try and think of the fact we all still have the choice NOT to drink - those kids do not have the choice to eat.

                              I think most of us here will have been met with some harsh but constructive criticism from time to time - you're not the first nor will be the last.

                              Furthermore, again not said with any anger or emotion, but we all desperately think the World of you and try and help each other day by day with encouragement, but when any of us falls off the wagon and we can't think of what to say or do - sometimes all we can try is some tough love and see if a different approach helps.

                              That's the key - all any of us do is try and HELP. There's no desire to belittle anyone's problems in the army, just try and kick each other up the bum when required.

                              I truly hope you don't feel the need to find another forum, as IMHO this is as good as they get.

                              Chill out for a bit then I expect to see everyone here tomorrow for a group hug.

                              Yes that is an order!
                              If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                                Armt Thread 5th April


                                Is it safe to come out yet?

                                Kitty, please come back tomorrow. We want you here.

                                Ok, that's all I'm going to say before I get me head bitten off!

