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What happened to THIS person?

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    What happened to THIS person?

    Life is about decisions.

    "YOU are the person you choose to be."

    This is from a post I read today in "What we believe"......
    This person is now banned from this board.
    What happened?
    To answer my own question...........I guess she gets up every morning and chooses just like we all do.

    I choose life! Abundant life! I choose laughter and Joy! I choose to lay down my right to drink, if it leads to a better life.
    I choose to look at my cup as running over instead of half full or half empty.
    We GET to choose! How wonderful is that?

    Just a thought.

    :h Nancy
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10

    What happened to THIS person?

    Well, I really do not think anything new happened on these boards to change her. She came here with a very serious mental illness, that we are not equipped to deal with, but we loved her as best we could. Her best way now is professional psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.

    And you know what Belle...I have often wondered if it is more than psychiatric... and could possibly be demonic in nature, such as in possession. Let us NOT make a thing out of that statement, please, please. They are simply my honest thoughts from me to you. Luv~C


      What happened to THIS person?

      Good thought


        What happened to THIS person?

        I choose life! Abundant life! I choose laughter and Joy! I choose to lay down my right to drink, if it leads to a better life.
        I choose to look at my cup as running over instead of half full or half empty.
        We GET to choose! How wonderful is that?

        THAT makes me think


          What happened to THIS person?

          Chrysa, I think you're right, although I don't believe in demonic possession. But in my thanksgiving statement, I listed her as someone for whom I have a special concern. I also would like to think that she was banned because there is a limit to our tolerance. Name calling using foul language can't be tolerated. As I've said before, I wish we had the resources to plug someone in to more intensive help than we can provide. We see people often who are in crisis, and this is just a board. We can only do what we can do. And I, for one, have been thinking a lot this week about the boundaries of an online community. What constitutes "real"? I wish--I pray--that the nastiness can be replaced by compassion and that someone will reach out to her in a substantive way. We probably all have a mentally ill person in our lives. I, for one, have step-sister who shakes a pendulum over her food before she deems it worthy to be eaten. No one wants to deal with her. And at this point, there isn't much we can do with "unregistered" but try to look the other way.


            What happened to THIS person?

            By the way, Chrysa. I fascinated by your new avatar. It's beautiful, but I can't tell what it is.


              What happened to THIS person?

              Thank you sophiah...I think it is too bright and I don't think I will keep it. It is an abstract of a monarch butterfly coming out of its chrysalis (which is a pretty jade & gold cocoon). I don't feel this one reflects me -- cause I am not fully that butterfly, full of light, free of the cocoon -- do you know what I mean?


                What happened to THIS person?

                You're gettin' there, darlin'


                  What happened to THIS person?

                  Hi Christal, Fran and Paul,

                  I agree with all the above.

                  People here did reach out to her personally. From what I've been told, the health care system there (and here)needs some work. Mental health problems like addiction problems have been treated as something we should be ashamed of and kept quiet. Insurance companies don't want to pay sometimes too. I think emotional and mental problems probably lead to alcohol abuse when not treated.

                  I have also thought of the spiritual aspect of all of this.
                  We are not humans with a spirit...I believe we are spirits having a human experience. That includes......mind(soul)+spirit+body. Why then could we not have some very real spiritual problems? Who knows what that might include?
                  I guess many think that is another thread but I think the connection to too great to separate.

                  Just a thought.

                  :h Nancy
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    What happened to THIS person?

                    Again I say...............We get to choose!

                    Choose to be well or get help so we can be well and live in peace with those in our world.

                    Just a thought.

                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      What happened to THIS person?

                      The quote reminds me of one that I have heard attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt: "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." That is certainly the case when it comes to overdrinking.

                      Thanks for the thought,

