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So scared about my liver!

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    So scared about my liver!

    Hi All,

    I've been really struggling with drinking. I stay sober for a bit, then drink again. A lot. I was on Antabuse for a few weeks but had to stop. It gave me horrible breath--smelled like rotten eggs.....and it made my family gag any time I came near them . This side effect never went away, it got worse. So I stopped taking it and after a week or so I started drinking again. ( This started about 3 weeks ago.

    I had my last drink today. I can't do this anymore.

    I am so scared that I have damaged my liver. I have to go to the dr in a few weeks for a physical for work. The doctor is going to check my liver enzymes. I am so scared my liver is damaged. My upper abdomen feels a little tender when I push on it. But maybe I am just imagining it. The dr knows about my alcohol abuse and I think he will very upset that I started drinking again. I am also afraid my husband will find this out if I have liver problems turn up.

    How long does it take for the liver enzymes to get back to normal?

    Any experiences??? please help!


    So scared about my liver!

    Fragile Flower,
    Good for you for making this your today your last day of drinking.

    So you've got a few weeks before you see the doctor. Good because you can start working on getting you poor old liver working again.

    Now I'm not a doctor but I know the liver is a very forgiving organ and with no booze, a daily dose of milk thistle it should be back to normal anywhere between 6 and 10 weeks. It was for me.

    See what your doctor says, he'd much rather you went back to see him and ask for help again than continue drinking.

    Let us know how you get one, OK.:l
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      So scared about my liver!

      Not sure how much you drank and for how long (I think those are factors)-- mine was only not normal once and it was totally normal within 4 weeks-- I drank heavily for only about 3 years and most at very top would be bottle and a half of wine over 12 or 13 hours--not to minimize it but JackieClaire is right--if there is an organ to be mean to it is that one as it has amazing healing powers. For me, worrying made it worse-- and also the fear that the doc would be a jerk. Taht you told the doc everything is a good sign for you-- I never wanted to!

