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naltrexone update

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    naltrexone update

    I believe the naltrexone and supps are working rather well. After years of drinking practically every day and always on weekends --- especially Friday which I lived for---I find myself on a Friday night with absolutley no desire to drink. In fact, I haven't had anything since I had a small drink on Thanksgiving. If I feel a little edgy I take a Calms Forte or 2 and try to take my thoughts else where. Like here reading the boards. Over a year ago a friend told me she read about the MWO program and said I should check into it. I put it off until a few months ago which is when I ordered the book. I read it and still didn't take any action. Finally I gave in and bought the supps and it sort of worked, but I knew I needed more help. I wanted Topa and went to a Dr to check into it. Turned out it isn't for me because of gloucoma (although controlled) so I am taking the naltrexone and hope to be taking the injection this month. Hate all these pills haha. Anyway thought I would let folks know that if you can't use Topa --- naltrexone is helping me so far. Thank you RJ .... you have changed my life! I know its just a beginning with a long road ahead, but at least I am on the road now.

    naltrexone update

    Thanks Cajun

    Thanks for sharing this, Cajun. We don't always get as much info about the naltrexone, since not that many people are using it. I hope you will continue to keep us posted about how it is working for you!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      naltrexone update

      here I go ...

      Starting out folks ... I have the book, supps, both campral and topa and need to get moving... but how? Had a bottle of wine last night and have to work today... I am still crawling and need a swat to get me going... any suggestions>


        naltrexone update

        This is interesting. You are talking about medications other than topa, and I'm convinced that our working with these various meds in different ways is going to lead to some kind of breakthrough. Stillcrawling, you will make progress with the meds and supps, with exercise, the hypno, and with our support. But. Mostly you need commitment. Do all the aspects of the program, and you'll spend so much time and energy thinking about the program that you will have to much invested in it to let it go sour. You just have to take the plunge. Less than a year ago, a bottle of wine was part of my routine too.


          naltrexone update

          That was my routine also. Now it seems so long ago.


            naltrexone update

            ok I'm going to jump in...

            I am tired of feeling like garbage ... thank you for the words of support... I plan to break it down week by week ...


              naltrexone update

              guys.....I read your posts saying that a bottle of wine a night feels like a lifetime ago - by the way :thumbs: -....and you know, I still can't imagine that.......I managed to cut back a litttle - or a lot depending on the point of view - but still, a bottle a night is still something very likely to happen in my everyday life, very I am really proud of you......I can't imagine myself not having a whole bottle of wine in a night for a year or more, that's just impossible or it feels like it is.........and, i have been on naltrexone for 2 months now, in the beginning it did the trick very well, now just a little bit, just a little, and I don't understand why......even if I don't feel the "pleasure" of drinking like I used to, most of the times I just drink anyway, and end up drinking too much.....guess"most of the times" is already an improvement compared to" every single time".......don't know ........anyone else on naltrexone?

