First of all, well done to startypants for getting that job interview! Is it the one where you offer advice to people who are struggling financially? How's the holiday going?
My plans for reinstalling my PC went slightly astray yesterday cos the temazepam left me out of it for a fair bit longer than expected so I will have to leave it till the weekend now as I'm awaiting replies to e-mails I sent.
Starty, you're right, I do need a mac. It says it's gonna be raining today.

Got to get Poppy to the vet for boosters too - thanks for the reminders the other day zenny/Jackie.
And did I mention that last night was the first time I've done two consecutive nights sober since my father died of meningitis on Christmas Eve 2003? Tonight will be a drinking night though to try to avoid the risk of seizures. Feels quite good today and I've got a little bit of house work done overnight.The five pence piece is still there on the hall floor though. That's my challenge for tomorrow.
