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Army Thread 14th April
Army Thread 14th April
mollyka;1097848 wrote: Mornin Chilli and Cy and all the 'interview girls'. Only ever had 2 jobs in my life and only ever did 2 interviews - they petrified me!! The one for the job I'm in now had a panel of 3 people and one of them started asking me a big long question, he was talking for bout 5 mins just asking this one question and about 6 words into the question I knew I had no idea what he was talkin bout. There was a little silence when the question ended as I rattled through my brain trying to say somethin sensible, after an uncomfortable few moments I just said 'could you repeat the question please'? The two women actually got uncontrollable giggles, and one of them that I ended up working with at a later date told me she pee'd her pants:H:H
Sounds like a typical "jobsworth" to me!!Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009
Army Thread 14th April
Good Morning Army.
Molly, hope you're feeling better soon.
Mrs. A, you're bound to feel a bit deflated but try to think on the positive side. Your daughter is starting on a new, exciting phase in her life. Of course you'll miss her but she's only a plane-ride away. And with Skype, you can talk every day and it's like she's sitting across the table from you. I know because that's how I keep in touch with my family back home.
Kitty, best of luck on the interview. Your outfit sounds lovely although I would have worn a coloured scarf. Probably mauve...
Good to hear of the mini meet-up. I think it's wonderful when peeps who have gotten "to know" each other from the forum, get to meet in person.
Starty dear, I hope your Godmother was able to give you some answers and to help you find the missing pieces. I'm sorry your father ended up as he did but how wonderful that you found your way to sobriety and will not end up as he did.
P.S. I think we chased Reccie away yesterday with our suggestions that he try another day AF. :upset: Reccie, please come back wherever you are...:huggyFor every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Army Thread 14th April
mollyka;1097848 wrote: Mornin Chilli and Cy and all the 'interview girls'. Only ever had 2 jobs in my life and only ever did 2 interviews - they petrified me!! The one for the job I'm in now had a panel of 3 people and one of them started asking me a big long question, he was talking for bout 5 mins just asking this one question and about 6 words into the question I knew I had no idea what he was talkin bout. There was a little silence when the question ended as I rattled through my brain trying to say somethin sensible, after an uncomfortable few moments I just said 'could you repeat the question please'? The two women actually got uncontrollable giggles, and one of them that I ended up working with at a later date told me she pee'd her pants:H:H
For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Army Thread 14th April
Morning all. Letting agents coming today. Oooo...x'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos
"Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."
AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:
"don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"
Army Thread 14th April
Bloody he'll...u have no idea. I was on my hands and knees scrubbing my kitchen floor at 10 pm last night. it was filthy. X'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos
"Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."
AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:
"don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"
Army Thread 14th April
Molly that's the funniest thing I have heard in ages and a great come back, must remember it.
Hello to everyone since my last visit oh all of an hour or so ago.
Cas just remember it's your property and you call the shots, make sure the agent is someone you would be happy to rent from and will show it in the best light.Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?
Army Thread 14th April
Good morning Tippers,Ktabbers,Mz Froglet,Mollers,Mrs A,Stashia,Starters,Kitty,Chillers,Cy,Cassia,cirly wirly stirly girly and all those yet to drop by
Starty, the fishnets and the leather skirt works every time. Perhaps the skull and cross bone choker to add a nice finishing touch.
Mrs A, :lIt could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread 14th April
Hey JC and EW. Hope you have a fabby day!
Well I just stepped on the scales and have lost half a stone in the last month. No idea how that happened.
Most of it seemed to have come off when I was in the states. Oh, how I would love to lose another 10 but I think I will just be thankful that I am closer to 130 then 140 now. X'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos
"Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."
AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:
"don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"
Army Thread 14th April
Sorry JC - My cheer seems to have gone cheerio!
I have just put a load of laundry on though, which seemed as if I had been asked to repaint the Sistine chapel!
What has everyone else got on the agenda for the day?
EWIf you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan
Army Thread 14th April
There you go EW, you're one up on me already today. I am without washing machine 'til at least Saturday. I'm getting sick and tired of dragging me washing down to the local stream and bashing it off rocks.
Now then,luvvie. As you know I'm a completely un qualified doctor, surgeon and washing machine repair man but I have a fully qualified depressive.
Sounds like bit like depression creeping in there. Might be worth a wee trip to the doctors.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread 14th April
Depression has hit me like a brick wall sadly JC. I can't see a path out of this in 10 years, yet alone 10 months and to think I am basically up shit creek at 33 (and 3/4 :P ) is depressing in the extreme.
I've never been much good at paying penance though
EWIf you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan