I started the program 1 1/2 years ago and drank moderately for about a month, now a year and a half later I am starting from the beginning again after a really bad night. Of course, 3 other couples in my neighborhood saw me so drunk. I am sure they will never forget. I really don't like myself right now. This has been going on over and over the past year and now I look back and can see I was just fooling myself and thinking I was ok.
My doctor would not give me a prescription for the Topamax - he said it was only for Epilepsy and referred me to a drug abuse centre. They would not prescribe it either. So I eventually kept on drinking, and forgot about My Way Out.
Now I am back and this time I am going to order the Topa and take the supplements and listen to the CD. I have to change my life and I don't want to wreck my family's life either.
So don't feel bad about stumbling. I stumbled ALOT!