I just wondered if anyone had any experience of Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol. I have been referred by my GP for a Bipolar assessment after a recent binge and subsequent depressive episode. Prior to my binge I had been taking Antabuse for a week and was feeling really in control, towards the end of the second week I decided to come off it as I felt (wrongly) that I was in control, I then went on to get a tattoo on a whim, got my hair cut (when I was trying to grow it!) Spent money I didn't have on things I didn't need and all in a wave of hyperactivity and elation finally accumulating in a one night binge on wine which then resulted in 3 days of deep depression in which I didn't eat and rarely left my bed.
I wondered if anyone has any experience of Bipolar Disorder and AL, I've always used AL in this way, at times of happiness rather than to self medicate or make myself feel better. I never chose to drink when I'm down its always when things are good that I turn to the bottle and I have no idea why? A kind of self sabotage maybe? Apologies if this message is a bit rambling, I'm just kind of thinking it through as I write!!