Well, the day was bound to come with the move and it has. I am uber stressed out - thought I had it all under control and I don't. Today is the first day where I thought - "yeah, I need a drink."
Everything is just getting on top of me - the cost, my mortgage company being arsey because they can, my current employer being unreasonable, everyone making arrangements to see me before I go, paperwork, quotes, visas - the list goes on.
My stomach is wasted, my head is sore, I am shaking right now. I cancelled hot yoga tonight because I feel physically ill. I need to rest, i think. There are a few personal things going on as well that aren't helping matters.
Maybe I have bitten off more than I can chew. Maybe I am trying to do too much. I don't know. I just need to calm down. Stress was always my key trigger but I am determined not to let it get the best of me.
thanks for listening...