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Army Thread 22nd April

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    Army Thread 22nd April

    JackieClaire;1103360 wrote: Arrrghhhh I've got to love yous and leave yous again

    But you just got here...:upset::upset:

    Hiya Zennie-bint. Hope you got a good night's sleep.

    Mrs. A - I sincerely doubt they celebrate Easter in Dubai but with so many expatriates living and working there, my bet is that there may be a Christian church or two. Oh, here's a link. I :h google. United Christian Church of Dubai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It's an Evangelical Church though. If you google Dubai Christian church, there are quite a few links if your daughter is interested.
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Army Thread 22nd April

      Zenstyle;1103366 wrote: Stirls... I slept like a bloody log. I had a chat on yesterday's army thread with Reccie and fell alseep with the laptop in my lap.
      Yeah, I do have that effect on people...

      Afternoon all.


        Army Thread 22nd April

        Zenstyle;1103366 wrote: Stirls... I slept like a bloody log. I had a chat on yesterday's army thread with Reccie and fell alseep with the laptop in my lap. (I was in bed, at least!) Woke up at 2.30 am, removed laptop, went straight back to sleep. I am in :h with Benadryl.
        Good to hear it. Yes I saw that you and Panda-man had a wee chat.

        I expect there is something like Benadryl available here. I got an antihistamine to help me sleep and the only thing it did was to give me a dry mouth. Once, many years ago, I was going to visit Greece with older son. He was just a year old at the time and we were coming over to see his Greek grandparents who had never seen him. I was going alone with him and predicted a rather long flight if he couldn't sleep, not being in his bed and such. My pediatrician suggested I get a syrup similar to Benadryl for children and give him a teaspoon after the flight started to make him drowsy enough to go to sleep and therefore remain quiet during the trip. He told me to try it a few days before tho' because on some kids it has the opposite reaction and makes them hyper. Being caught up in getting ready for our trip, I forgot to try it out and guess what? Make him hyper as hell for the first few hours. Finally, he was tired enough that he drifted off but really not a restful sleep. Needless to say I didn't sleep and wink and arrived in Athens exhausted...
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Army Thread 22nd April

          Hey Reccie and the Rest,

          I've taken another break from the sun - I can already feel my bonce burning!

          Love reading in the sun though - I am too much of a jitter-pants to just sit and sunbathe.

          I spent a long long time reliving my childhood too Zenners before like yourself I realised it was ruining my future too. It never goes away, you just have to lock it up 'somewhere else' and do your best.

          If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


            Army Thread 22nd April

            Recluse;1103369 wrote: Yeah, I do have that effect on people...

            Afternoon all.
            Hiya Reccie.

            Did you see Molly's post earlier? mollyka;1103216 wrote:
            Fell asleep as I was gettin out of bed - hate that!
            Now that is a funny "falling to sleep story"...:H:H
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Army Thread 22nd April

              Zenstyle;1103383 wrote: Molly's falling to sleep story is something I aspire to!!!

              I've been given 7 months worth of bills and receipts to sort through, tally and document for the pharmacy so they can hand them over to the accountant. Paid, of course. So that's going to keep me busy for a couple of days (busy pulling my hair out trying to figure out what's what probably...)

              And I'm probably going to be MIA most of today and tonight. I'm off to the gym in a few then I'm going up to a friend's. We're off to get a pedicure this arvo. I may stay up there and b/f will come up later... not sure yet. I'll take me lappers so I may check in if there aren't too many big beaks (nosey people) around.
              Seven months worth? Oh lord, that sounds like a mountain. And to document them as well? Geez. Best of luck with them. Nice way to spend Easter weekend..

              See you later then if you get a chance to pop back in. You'll be the "PPT" - Pretty Toes Tart!!:H:H
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                Army Thread 22nd April

                Zenstyle;1103388 wrote: I'll maybe tackle some of it tomorrow but I reckon, after 7 months, it can wait till Monday!No doubt that they can wait.
                I've got new price catalogues coming up since our provider company has a price increase coming up May 1st. It's a right pain in the butt and takes forever to do. Luckily most of the products are listed on the old ones I have in the computer and I just have to add the prices. But we have quite a few new products and they have to be listed - in Greek. Fun. Luckily the Greek keyboard is almost the same as the English one so I don't have to be looking for letters and typing with two fingers. But it is very, very boring...Zenstyle;1103388 wrote:

                PTT suits my avatar... maybe that'll be my new one seeing as I STILL can't remember my original one!!! AL brain! LOL...
                Ah, I can't remember what I had for breakfast and I eat the same thing every day..:H:H
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Army Thread 22nd April

                  Zenstyle;1103391 wrote: That sounds just as bad as my pile of rubbish! (And what did I have for breakfast again?!) :H

                  Rightio, I'm orf to the gym. I'll catch you later Stirls... xxx
                  See ya. Have a good workout!!
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Army Thread 22nd April

                    Hi peeps, everyone have a good day?
                    I had a lovely one meeting up old friends for lunch
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Army Thread 22nd April

                      Eveninks darlinks.

                      Had a lovely day,especially as the shops weren't horrendous.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread 22nd April

                        startingover;1103404 wrote: Hi peeps, everyone have a good day?
                        I had a lovely one meeting up old friends for lunch
                        JackieClaire;1103414 wrote:
                        Eveninks darlinks.

                        Had a lovely day,especially as the shops weren't horrendous.
                        Hello Ladies. Glad to hear you both had a fab day. Are you still there? The barracks look a little deserted right now but I bet there will be peeps dropping by soon...

                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Army Thread 22nd April

                          Hey Stirls!

                          How are you doing? I am done sunbathing for the day - plonked in front of footy now with Monkey and a new book as just finished my last one

                          If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                            Army Thread 22nd April

                            EnglishWriter77;1103425 wrote: Hey Stirls!

                            How are you doing? I am done sunbathing for the day - plonked in front of footy now with Monkey and a new book as just finished my last one

                            I'm fine thank you. Nice that you got to spend some time in your sun-filled garden today. Nothing better than that. Did Monkey keep you company. Freddie loves the garden but only the shady parts.
                            Wots on the footy and what are you reading? I expect that being a writer yourself, you're a bit particular about what you read....
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Army Thread 22nd April

                              Yo Stirls, yo EW.

                              Haven't spent much time in the garden today, after the shops just had a good pootle about.

                              Because I'z sooooooo young and sophisticated I'm reading Pet Semetary by Stephen King. It's actually frightening the bejaysus out of me and I'm only on chapter 10.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread 22nd April

                                Yes Monkey kept me company but he only sits in the sun so long before he joins Freddie in the shade!

                                Forest just beat Leicester, but the big game for me is Leeds vs Reading as it could help shape the run in for my team, Norwich. Come on Leeds! (I don't say that very often )

                                I just finished a book called Black Moon by Carsten Stroud, very good thriller. I am now starting 'Stop Me' by Richard J Parker as he is a fellow UK writer and we message on Twitter on occasion.

                                Currently working on a few short film scripts as well as a novel so the more you watch/read the better!
                                If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan

