Thanks for the pics Rags, absolutely maaaagnificent. I'll have a carton of 'Lavettes' please, next time you're over. Who are the chicks?! Was gonna ask you about the shark population around there, and i see there are a few, but how are their number's in those parts?
Well, in other news, my Forex market foray (studies) may or may not allow me to be sitiing on a Palau beach in the next couple of years, with me laptop casually making a buck or 2 a couple of hours a week. Of course, my next album (due july) could have moi doing that sort of lark sooner. More at or follow me on Twitter.
Hey Rags, get yourself on Twitter too. You'll LOVE it!
Night all, and have a great night Midnight rambler if you're still up.
Got me thermos of hot water for a cuppa.