Morning all,
What the feck is a broomheilda?
A very special day here for, oh, i dunno, just sort of is. he he.
Well, a staff lunch get together today, which are always fun, and few and far between. Sadly, i don't think the boss is footing the bill for this one. Bloody cheapskate's, respect.
Tomorrow morning we have a new monthly thingy about self reflection in our work practices. Of course, i shall turn up with a mirror, and just stand there without a word, for 5 minutes, for my input.
There may or may not be much LOL- ing, but i shall stand my ground with my statement.
Have a great day everyone, and remember, it's not really that hard to break the chains of boozing. We've just got to relax with the idea, not put pressure on ourselves, and quietly go about getting some AF time under our belt's. And maintaining our emotional balance through this time, is a challenge, but something to ruthlessly take care of, i reckon anyway.