Good Morning everyone! Oh SST - what a dreadful day for you!! At least the next day has GOT to be better right??
Ruby - yes, we have one of those that sleeps too - and the other day we had a couple of folk that after they left, I collected 18 books from the table that they were sitting at - EIGHTEEN books! I mean - come on people!!! I think we should post a sign saying "No more than 2 books allowed in the cafe at a time" - or even better "NO books or magazines allowed in the cafe". Oh - and I will ignore the 'old' reference with dignity, seeing as it comes from the ramblings of an old woman :H:H.
Good morning Grateful my friend! No, of course I am not grumpy now - just had to let off steam last night. I hope to get outside today but am waiting for a huge black cloud to go over - it is raining right now but not much - just the odd drop - we are at the bottom of a gurt green and red blob on the radar so we aren't getting much.
Swannie - what a wonderful idea for you to do a Uni course from home. Can you get the funding do you think? I think that you would great for you.
Vicki - as Grateful said - only four days to go then you can breathe a huge sigh of relief and get back to normal!!
Ruby - I so hope that you manage to see a doctor today for your ear - it will be so nice for you when you can hear again properly, although being the age you are it won't be long before it is permanent anyway- so it is just giving you a taste of the future!! Hope that the doc can help you with it this time. Hope it isn't serious!! :l:l
Nora - lovely to see you - are you feeling better today? I love when I see you posting 'cos I think it usually means that you are feeling a little better. Hang in there with us my friend.
Jan - how goes it with you? Still busy with work? and going to the AA meetings? Hope all is going well with you friend.
RC - you have been quiet - how are you? Have you got the new premises all sorted out? Have your customers found you? Are you far from where you were?
And now, I need to tell you all something. As you all probably know, I am not AF. I was, last year for about 8 months then started drinking again. Well, I have decided to go AF again. I don't drink to excess, ever. But I do drink daily - only usually 2 or 3, sometimes even 4, but usually less. And my drink of choice is Guinness. Anyway, it has to stop, for various reasons. tomorrow is the day. It is going to be hard for me. I doubt that I will have withdrawal - maybe night sweats, but as I said it is frequency, not amount that bothers me. I have talked to a few people here about it and of course, you have all been incredibly supportive, but in the end it is me that has to do it on my own. it is just taking that first step. Just wanted to let you all know and to ask for healing and supportive thoughts please. I AM scared!! I am so used to walking in from work and opening my Guinness!! The first few days will be the worst - obviously. I need to do this for many reasons - oh, and I am also stopping smoking at the same time. That thought doesn't bother me as much for some reason. I love the feeling that first drink gives me. And I can and do stop, I don't get drunk - BUT, need to stop. I know - check the tool box. Just want to know I have my family here all thinking about me tomorrow and Thursday and Friday - after that it should be a lot easier. Oh - Hubs has said he is stopping too. But he won't have any problem - he has a cast iron will and does anything he sets his mind to. Anyway, there you have it. Off to my day now,
Back later everyone,
hugs, Love, Sun XX