Hey Jammers---sorry haven't been around--my million dollar communications solution turned out to be a nightmare. I spend all my time reloading or reconnecting or talking to tech people trying this and that to supposedly fix the problem. HA! They know damn well it's a problem that can't be fixed! I started reading on a techie site today and this problem has been ongoing for months with Bell and the Turbo Hub. Don't know what I will do now. Anyways--hope everyone had a nice Mom's Day. My daughter texted me--first HMD greeting for me in 8 years! First from her in 10 years. She and partner helped me move and they were amazing--can't remember if I told you all or not.
Vicki--glad you're getting the blood sugar down--keep up the good work.
Fen--good to hear your Mom is doing well.
SSH--taking a course sounds perfect for you! Take a good ginkgo--I know you're the baby in the family but even younger studiers take it.
Sunni/Fluffer good luck in the 30 day challenge. I've been trying to get my head around doing another stretch--but I don't think I start just yet with you girls. I had been having a few a couple of times a week since the new year began but the last couple of weeks--I've gone a bit over a few times and not impressed with myself. I know I've just decided to decompress but feel like you know what the next day. So really going to reel it in and if I can't do it then I'll need to string some af days together again.
Oh-Sunni--I am not well organized in the new store yet--can put my fingers on most things when I need them though and people are starting to find me this week better than last week. I've an artist friend who is also a VON going to come and paint my logo on the front window soon. That will be nice. I'll take a pic. My new camera battery died and of course it's different than the rechargeables my last one took! Sheesh! Why must everything be so complicated??
Ok---I've rambled enough you'll be glad not to hear from me again for a while.
Take care everyone! xo