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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

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    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

    Hello friends,
    Was just getting the chance to read back.
    RC, what beautiful pictures. Sending you a :l.
    Hello Fennel.
    Vicki, I hope things work out for you.
    Hope everyone has a better day!:h:h

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

      Good morning Jammers! It's a new day and will do my best to make it a good one.
      Hill I really like how you articulate and honestly share your thoughts and feelings about your sobriety. You live in the present with an eye for the future and a regard for the past. I think it serves you and us well. Good job.
      Vicki I hope you are feeling better today and Paul is taking your ultimatum seriously. I am with Fennel on not assuming responsibility for his drinking. I hope you are safe! Hugs to you. Re the curtains-that is exactly what I will do but still think I will try to find some bamboo blinds to mix in.
      Mama there is a great ointment made from arnica that I always have on hand for sore muscles/injuries. It's truly a miracle.
      Rene I hope you get your situation sorted. It's hard enough proving ourselves without having to deal with manufactured violations. Boy do I know that. Stay true to you.
      Fen, Nora, Rubes and Grateful thanks again. Just being able to get it out helps.
      Sunshine you must be very busy with the new ward. Hope they are all settling in together and you are getting your rest too.
      It looks like a beautiful day--maybe I will cut the grass/weeds after work. It's getting 6 inches in places. Yikes!
      I do apologize for the 6 pack comment. Should have kept that to myself. Not jumping into the booze like I used to though.
      Make a great day Jammers. xo

      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

      St. Francis of Assisi


        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

        Good evening Suntoday! You sure seem to burn it at both ends girl. How are you doing?

        Drifty! You are rockin it! way to go!

        SSH how are you???

        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

        St. Francis of Assisi


          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

            Good Morning all - had wicked storms in the night - got up and put bens jacket on him which helped him calm down. Huge tree limb down over the fence in the garden - too big for us to deal with and from too high so we will probably have to get someone in to deal with it - maybe. They are threatening really severe storms later today and I am closing. hate to leave the dogs but have no choice.

            RC - loved your pictures! they are really nice - and the flowers - beautiful. I am so pleased that you didn't dive into the drink the way that you used to -well done my friend.

            Vicki - I am going to just say take care of you. You always have choices. Although they might be hard ones, you do have them..... Paul keeps doing this over and over. Hugs and love to you dear - you need it. We are all here for you to talk to and I am pleased that Grateful was there for you. she is such a sweetheart. I worry about your health though - it can't be doing you any good. Please try and come up with a plan? :l:l

            Rene - you had some wonderful words for RC - and you seem to have a good support unit at home - even if they don't understand - I am not sure anyone that doesn't drink does understand truly! Good for you with your AF - that is awesome (did I read that right? - you are AF now - yes?).

            good morning SST and goodnight? Nice to see you....

            Grateful - are you busy as anything trying to get ready for this weekend? I bet you are. Just remember to try and enjoy yourself too...

            Hi Fen - how is your mom doing - we need an update here sometime. Hope you have a great day today. have you been getting any of these storms or are you too far north?

            Hi Nora - lovely to see you - hubs has left now hasn't he? How are you feeling these days? any better? how are things going - have you gone to any more AA meetings?

            Swannie - where are you? Please catch us up on how you are doing... :l

            Hi Hill - I do have to agree with RC - your posts are really good - she put it way better than i could have done. I love reading how you are handling your sobriety.

            Drifty - way to go on day 4/5 - well done !!!!

            Jan - I do hope that you aren't as sore today. It is hard when we suddenly subject our bodies to way more activity than they are used to. How are you doing apart from that? do you still go to the lunch time AA meetings? Hope all is well with you. Hugs to you.

            Ruby and Roger - well, Roger - wish you were here - you would make short work of the tree limb in the garden!! Anyway - Ruby - when do you get the results of your MRI? or did I miss that? LOL Hope all is well in Ruby Hollow. We miss hearing from you as much....

            Hugs and love to all

            Sun XX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

              Morning, folks! I'm at my mom's house, so I can post from her computer.

              Nora! It's great to see you! :h

              Sun, that's awful about the tree branch coming down. Plus, your poor pups are really being put to the test with all these storms!

              Mom's cat is nagging me for lovin's, so I'd better start paying him some attention...oh, and mum is being released from the home on June 4th. She's doing well, although if you were to listen to her, she's got one foot in the grave...

              See you cats later!


                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

                Even quicker than usual check in. Have 2 grands here, Rog in the shop, Sue napping, and have about an additional 5 or so coming tonight to grill hot dogs and hamburgers. I would love to lock myself in my bedroom right now!!!
                Just found out I'm getting Gracie's goat (no, a real goat) so have to plan for that, and cousin is coming to sell me his property. Doc's office called as soon as they opened to tell me I MUST come in tomorrow at 2, so that day is shot. After all this, Hubs and I get daughters 3 for a week, so you may never hear from me! Havent even TRIED to learn my new phone yet. Can't get ahead of this wave of people!!! :H
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

                  Good morning, my dear family! Yesterday, I stood at my kitchen sink until midnight putting up 26 quarts of kale, 5 quarts of green beans and 11quarts of squash. My back is hurting so bad today, so much for me being superwoman from now on to impress my hubby. He says he didn't mean anything he said to me the night before. He came home at 5, popped a top, but only drank 4 beers and didn't get mean at all, so I was thankful. SST, we have been missing you! It was so good to see you post! Fennel, I do believe if we have faith, God will work all things out for our best. He will do it and He doesn't want or need our help! I've tried the ultimatives so many times, Fen, but they don't work. I do have a new plan, though. When he drinks, I am not going to be physically around him so maybe one day, his alcohol will make him lonely. Either way, I am going to shield myself from the mental abuse and not fuss at him when he is drinking. Thank you for reminding me "that I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me"! I love you. When your Mom comes home, will you have to move in with her? MB, do you have a jacuzzi tub to soak those soar muscles? If not, lay on the couch all day and rest your weary, soar body. Glad you were able to take off today. Thank you for your kind words and advice of compassion and tough love and by not fussing at him, he will not become defensive or mentally abusive. I love you so much! SunniGG, you are in my prayers. Always remember, we are here for you! GRATEFUL, you must be busy, but we hope to hear from you today, if you have time to post. RC, I am so sorry you are hurting, but I'm sure he loves you and will come back home to you. I am praying for his safety in whatever he chooses. Your tulip garden is absolutely beautiful! You look pretty awesome, yourself! Thank you for sharing. I think bamboo blinds will add a little warmth to your room. Thanks again for youradvice. I will get me some arnica ointment to use on my hands and back that give me problems. I love you! Hill, we are so proud of you! I'm glad you are sleeping good now. I can so relate to the "staying up to drink". I really DON'T miss those days! Nora, I know it is hard to say goodbye to your hubby. Please don't let yourself get lonely. We are ALWAYS here for you! Sunni, I'm thankful you are safe, but so sorry a tree fell on your fence, but atleast it didn't fall on your garden. I do have a new plan, Sunni. I know ya'll are sick of hearing my same old story, but I am going to try something different, instead of doing the same old thing and expecting different results. Paul was really nice and apologetic to me last night. So maybe, just maybe, things will be different, but I'm prepared for whatever comes. Ruby, try to remain calm and take it as it comes. I know being around too many people is so stressful. You take care of yourself and get to that doctor tomorrow, regardless of company, cleaning, cooking, entertaining. Your health is most important! We love you and hey, when Roger stayed with me, he posted everyday. Did he not bring his laptop? Roger, we love you and miss you! Thank you all for your love and support. I'm not sure I could stay sober, if it wasn't for all of you! I love you all so much and hope everyone has a GREAT day! Love, Vicki
                  I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                  but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                  There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



                    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

                    Rog did bring his laptop, but my wifi isn't compatible, or something, so they are using mine. Rog has been busy as a one-arm paper hanger, driving the gator, chopping down trees, digging around in the shop. Yes, the fridge is bulging with food, and everyone is eating well. Going to send my batchelor cousin home with a care package of leftovers tonight I hope. He's a really sweet, good-looking guy who raised his daughter alone and she turned out beautifully. Now she's out on her own, and he's sorta lost.
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

                      hello precious family
                      so much is going on
                      Sunni I am sorry about the company is soliciting contributions from residents to send to the Red Cross for hurricane relief....since you have been affected, I am will push hard.
                      Pretty pictures RC and my heart is breaking for you. If one of my boys told me to Fuck off I would be devestated. All my love to you
                      Rubes, you know you love having al your family around...aren't u glad you are sober.
             always, we just love and worry about you. Have you thought about banning beer from the house?? Or is that a ridiculous thought? Just be happy and safe dear friend.
                      Love to all I didn't mention.....Fen I am glad Mom is feeling better. My Dad is ok and so cute with no hair.
                      I love you all
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

                        Hi all. I got in bed at 8:30 tonight. Exhausted from my day. Food was good, then we all went down to my late aunt's house to look inside and check the property lines. It was the first time I'd been since she died, so it was terribly emotional for me. Plus, it's been closed up about a year, and was extremely hot inside, and the combination of everything made me so sick I decided to just call it a day. Don't worry; now that I've rested and cooled off I'm much better. Left Rog and Sue watching TV downstairs, but they know where everything is and I've told them to help themselves to anything they want.
                        You're right, Vick. I DON'T do well with crowds anymore, and add in my hearing (or lack of!) plus fatigue and heat were a terrible combination. I worry about how hard you work, and you amaze me, but it's not worth it if it makes you sick. And I TOTALLY agree you are not responsible for Paul's actions. No one made me drink - it was MY bad decision always.
                        RC, the pics are gorgeous, as were those 2 cuties in one of them. You both look SO happy. I'm so glad to see you posting more. We NEED you around here. Like I've said before your knowledge base is amazing and you've helped SO many here. Fen, Rog and Sue have seen your thieving little self now, so I have put a bounty on your head! Now TMB spends the day on the porch guarding her food barrell! MB, I felt the joy in your post about the day of events you did. I was SO proud of you!!! Take care of those achy bones now. SunniButt, I'm so aware of those storms and the devastation in the aftermath. It's heartbreaking. Please be safe, love. Nora, I'll be thinking about you while you deal with FIL's illness. It's hard on the whole family when our parents age. SST, I'm so happy you joined us. You fit like a glove in this wonderful group. DA, it's good to see you here and posting too. Remember to come here whenever temptation strikes and keep up the good work!! Hill, you are still being your wildly busy self I see. Your children will NEVER forget what a wonderful, involved father you are. Grateful, how are you sweetie? I know you're working too hard as usual, but take some time for yourself, OK? Biz, come let us know how you're doing, OK. If you drink,( and I hope you don't!) get right back in here. That's when it's most important to get support, OK? Rene, we love having you here, so be sure to keep checking in, OK? Tony, your Jack is a cutie!! They steal our hearts quickly, don't they? Tay's little Moose is 7 weeks, and SOOOoooo cute! Fluff, missing you, hon!! I love your posts and they happy little avatar! Nelz, welcome again to the group. Jump in as often as you can, OK? Swannie, I'm missing you, little love. Let me know how you are, OK?
                        Sorry for those I missed, but miss getting to spend much time here lately. Talk soon, friends!
                        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

                          Just got in from work - and we survived the latest round of storms. the bookstore is in it's own building but on mall grounds and the mall called and told us to close the store and send everyone over to the mall where it was safer - the customers could either go to the mall or go where they wanted. Four of them were pretty annoyed and did NOT want to leave - we were under a tornado watch - the sky was ominous - didn't they stop to think that maybe we wanted to get our employees out of there????? Gosh, people do make me cross. They finally left grumbling all the way. We were fine though although it got really bad at one point - of course, we all stayed at the store!! Anyway it passed over eventually and all is well again. I decided to give Ben and Maggie a tranquilizer before I left today, knowing it was going to be bad, so at least I wasn't fretting about them. Hopefully that is it with the storms for a while.

                          Anyway I am doing a clopen - I have to be up at 5.00 tomorrow. So, need to get going. ruby - lovely to see you post finally - a proper post! Please let us know what the doc says tomorrow - I will worry until I hear!

                          Vicki - you must be superwoman I think. You never stop!! you really do need to rest! I am glad that you do have some sort of plan in mind - hope it works for you.

                          Jan - glad all is well and that your dad is doing okay. How long is his treatment for? Has his chemo finished? What is next? will he have to have Rads? How is he tolerating it all and how is he feeling?

                          I need to get going or else I will be cross posting with Hill.

                          Love and hugs to all,

                          love, Sun X
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

                            Good morning to all of you (it's actually my afternoon,)
                            I can't tell you how loving and wonderful you all are, a right joy to have around.
                            I just finished up work and am lounging a bit before heading out to get some exercise.
                            Sun, I worked at Starbucks for 8 years and there was nothing worse than a clopen. 4am to 9pm was never meant to equal one shift. I hope you have a smooth day and that the storms pass you by.
                            Fen, I hope you enjoy having your mom home. Sending you some sunshine.
                            Ruby, it sounds like a very busy time for you. Being around lots of people for a lengthy amount of time can be tiring. I remember when Hubs and I got married we had 12 people staying in our 3 bedroom house. By the time the left right after the wedding Iw as so wiped I was in bed sick for 10 days. I told hubs my wedding gift to him was getting him sick. :H Get some rest and relax time.
                            Vicki, sounds like you have a plan in place for yourself when hubs is drinking. That's a good start, maybe take that time and do something for yourself. Your veggies sound lovely. I love Kale. Don't overdue all that work, take good care of your body.
                            Hello MB, Rog, Drifty, and anyone else I missed.
                            RC, Yes I do burn both ends of the candle sometimes. I accidentally took 2 doses of hubs pain prescriptions the other day, thinking they were my IB profen, and have been sleeping since. Geesh, one pill lasts 24 hours as a time release. I didn't even know I took it till the next day when he was looking for it.

                            Have a good day/night everyone! :l:l:l

                            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

                              Hello everyone, how are things? The cool weather is back, and we were just getting used to some nice days. Oh well, summer won't be long in coming. I have most of my vegetable garden in (my small garden) and I am worried about frost.

                              Ringing, thanks, it was nice to read your words.
                              Sunshine, I appreciate it and am glad to hear that
                              Vicki, I don't miss those late nights, and early mornings feeling like crap. I used to get up with my kids, regardless of when I went to bed, or regardless of how drunk. That way my wife couldn't use sleeping in against me, and my drinking. I spent a lot of our hours, feeling (and I am sure looking) like shite.
                              Ruby, yes it is busy for sure, but good busy. I hope you are right, and that my kids remember our fun times together. I am so glad that they won't remember me with a beer glued to my hand, and booze breath.
                              Sunshine, I am glad that the tornado passed by, and that you are safe and sound.

                              Take care one and all,
                              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for may

                                Good Morning everyone! SST - we have a Starbucks in the bookstore - no, we don't - we have a cafe that sells Starbucks coffee!! Our clopen means I get off at 10.30 and will be there this morning at 7.00. There was one girl that I work with and I have know and worked with her for about 12 years - and I was thinking about letting someone go home early as we were so quiet and it would save hours - and she said that she would as she was doing a Clopen - I laughed and said to her "if I have to do a Clopen - so do you!!". so she stayed! She just laughed. I sent someone else home early. she didn't mind - as I said, I have known her for years. Anyway - be careful with those tablets! Gosh - no wonder you have been sleeping! Anyway - you are off to bed, and I must think about getting ready for work. it really is a small world these days! Sleep tight!!

                                Hill - good morning to you! Hope you don't get the frost - I have a very small garden too - just a few veggie plants and some flowers - it just sounds a bigger one because all I ever do is weed, but as soon as I finish one part of it the weeds are back in the first bit. It is chilly here too this morning (comparatively) and I have heard we have a 70% chance of more storms today. NO MORE!! Have a wonderful day my friend.

                                Ruby - hope all goes well with your appointment - please let us know. Rog - hi there - I miss your posts! Good morning to everyone else who will be along - no time right now to address everyone. Need to get ready for work. back later I am sure.

                                Hugs, Sun X
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

