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Mackeral and the SNIP

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    Mackeral and the SNIP


    Holy Crumb.

    NOTHING is sacred.

    I love it.


    Hey Macks - you'll be back "up" to snuff in no time, I figure.


      Mackeral and the SNIP

      I absolutely don't understand the last post, but whatever....

      Macks - You'll do great! My brother in law said if you lay low for a few days (like the weekend) you're 100% by Monday. You are a good man - not everyone is brave enough/smart enough or responsible enough to take this step.



        Mackeral and the SNIP

        Oh Kate! That's great!

        Go ahead Macks, Scream. (But you still are a good man for being responsible )


          Mackeral and the SNIP

          S'cuse me Kate .... why should Macks be screaming? I need to set up the audio and I need to make sure the camera angles are ok. Who's doing make-up? C'mon everybody .... lift your game ...


            Mackeral and the SNIP

            Geeesh Kate - we were going to do the floating platform thing before the groom popped his clogs. But you're right - why waste the floating platform? We need to celebratae Mackeral's SNIP.

            Come on ... input please ....


              Mackeral and the SNIP

              HA...This is hilarious...

              Do you want me in costume....Dressed as a chicken or something....Cause i proberly wont feel stupid enough sitting on a floating platform...My legs akimbo..Whilst being televised in front of a worldwide audiance?

              Oh well...In for a penny!

              Do i get a share of profits from the DVD?
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                Mackeral and the SNIP


                Not to worry.....during my internship in urology I witnissed a SNIP. Hell, the guy was crackin' jokes!
                Speaking of Snip-I think I'm im in need of a haircut ...
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Mackeral and the SNIP

                  Just make sure you don't fool around until the fishy count is down to zero. A coworker of mine a while back decided to undergo the snip after his third child. Within a year his wife delivered twins! Be careful!! You'll do fine. Milk it for what it's worth Macks!


                    Mackeral and the SNIP

                    Just lie there in your bo - bo's and be waited on hand and foot ( and oops )!

                    Exactly, milk it ....

                    Even ( sshhh so Lisa dunt hear ) you are really more poorly then you are letting on. Pretend you want the day off school and have life threatening tonsilitis !

                    Hope you are ok Wayne.

                    Love to you and the family XXXX


                      Mackeral and the SNIP

                      mackamus you are such a man. you will be back in the saddle in no time! Ice them boys down for a bit and all will be well. You might want to do any shaving youself though, just a thought. What? None of you had the nerve to say it! Just trying to help the man out.


                        Mackeral and the SNIP

                        OOOOOoooo...Shaving...I forgot about that...Has anyone else got anything sharp they want to point between my legs?:upset:
                        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                          Mackeral and the SNIP

                          We didn't birth your 5 children, there's really someone else you should ask! LOL! On second thought, maybe don't ask......


                            Mackeral and the SNIP

                            Of course. We MUST do a movie on The Snip. Brilliant idea Kate. Since Mojo kindly volunteered to do the shaving (speaking of which where the hell you been mojo????) I do believe we should include that in the bonus tracks of the DVD. Who will be catering? We must spare no expense. Will there be entertainment? So many questions, so little time.............
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Mackeral and the SNIP

                              Giggle. I can just see Mrs Mackamus chasing him around the house with a razor and a knife. Runnnnnnnnnn!


                                Mackeral and the SNIP

                                We need a name for this here movie. Any ideas? Mack the Knife will not do so dont bother posting it you can do better that.

