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I started 12 months ago!

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    I started 12 months ago!

    Happy Holidays to everyone!

    12 months ago I started MWO, and I am a different person!

    I wanted to welcome all the newbies and oldies that have been here and continue to add the love and support that is needed to make this site a FAMILY!

    PS..RJ thanks for continuing the support that you have given each of us!

    :h Brandy

    I started 12 months ago!

    Yeah!!!!! Way to go Brandy!

    :h Nancy

    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      I started 12 months ago!

      Really well done Brandy...

      ....Big Hugs
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        I started 12 months ago!

        RIGHT ARM Brandy!! :good: :wd:
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          I started 12 months ago!

          congratulations Brandy! You are truly inspiring! Mary


            I started 12 months ago!

            Congrats, Brandy!

            Thanks so much for sharing your progress. Really wonderful to have you with us and to hear your happy news.

            Hey, another 12 months and you might even make some progress on that lollipop, too, huh? :-)

            Again, congrats.

            Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


              I started 12 months ago!

              I was thinking this morning this is the exact day I discovered this website last year too! What a coinkidink! I have grown here, but am now finding personally for me I need to add some personal contact. I have been isolating too much and it has gotten the better of me. I started AA meetings Sat morning and will see where it takes me. So far, so good. Day 3 again. This site has given me a better way to take this challenge on. So glad to have met so many wonderful people here this past year!


                I started 12 months ago!

                Thanks everybody for the feedback!

                RJ, I picked that avatar because it's very similar to what I looked like at the age of 3 or 4! And I'm sure at that age I was always trying to find a way to have candy at one time or another.

                PS...Gina, funny you should mention going back to AA. Do you remember about this time last year when a few of the members were posting the horrible experiences that we endured at the AA meetings? With that being said, and the horrible experiences that I had on the job, I recently talked to a close friend of mine, whose hubby has 9 months clean with AA. She suggested when we are able to coordinate our schedules, possible I might start back attending AA, sometimes. But I feel like the stability of my recovery is here at MWO. Maybe AA can just be a back up!

                Things are very busy for me until the end of the week. If possible Friday, if we can let's talk, I'll e-mail you and see what will work best for you.



                  I started 12 months ago!

                  Hi Brandy,
                  Congrats on the 12 months......
                  I hope to be doing the same thing when I get to 12 months....with luck and willpower.
                  Great going


                    I started 12 months ago!

                    Great job Brandy!

                    It was just over a year ago that I discovered MWO as well. I know that we joined around the same time. How far we have come in a year!

                    You too Gina!

                    Happy anniversary girls!



                      I started 12 months ago!

                      Marcie, Gina!

                      How wonderful to see you gals here!

                      Gosh, it's great to hear from so many "old timers" today :-)

                      Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                        I started 12 months ago!

                        OK I am new here Day 1 of AF cried on my way to work as my job stinks, cried on the phone with my sister who lives too far away, my skin is starting to crack from the cold... I have lurked for a while and have tried to stop several times... you folks are great!


                          I started 12 months ago!

                          you may know me as TooMuch . . .

                          but I can't seem to log in!!!!!

                          Hello everyone, been a while since I've been here. Hey there Jude, Gina, and MARCIE!! glad to see you here. Becca, are you out there? I had gotten out of the MWO habit (actually the computer habit) with the longer spring and summer evenings and warmer temperatures. This past weekend it turned COLD here all of a sudden (77 degrees Friday, 40s now) so obviously I have turned back to the computer for entertainment. I am NOT a cold weather person.

                          I started MWO in February (January?) and met a lot of wonderful people here. I tried moderation, with very iffy success; so back in June I did an abstinence run, which was wonderful. Then July 1 rolled around, and . . . moderation does not work for me. It took me until September to be able to stop again. Since then I have learned that, at least for me, abstinence is the path. Being sober in the evenings left me bored so I have been taking evening classes at the local community college. But they are ending now so I need to renew my ties to MWO (which actually enabled me to get to this point, thank you very much RJ).

                          Would like to reconnect to keep me on my path. Last January was a dark, dark time for me, and I credit MWO for pulling me out of that.

                          Oh, and by the way, who do I contact to find out what my password is?? I have been trying and trying to log in with every password I can possibly remember, and did the "remind me of my password" thing three times now with no response. . . . . Hugs to all, Ter


                            I started 12 months ago!

                            Thanks for Reminding Me!

                            Boy, I've been thinking about so many things lately that I completely forgot that tomorrow is the one-year anniversary since I found MWO, too. It seemed like the answer to a prayer at the time, and although it has been a lot of hard work, it has been worth it every day!

                            Thanks to everyone in this great community for their sharing and caring, and of course to you RJ, for bringing us all together in the first place.

                            Hang in there Terry! We're waiting for you to get back on in!


                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              I started 12 months ago!

                              Stillcrawling, welcome and hang in and I will be a year in before we know it too
                              congrads to all you yearlings!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

